Who here has used dog spray?


Well-Known Member
Kitsap Co, WA
Down our street is a Doberman who comes barreling out its yard every so often like Yosemite Sam. Maybe she's all bark and no bite, I don't know. My neighbors had warned me about this dog, but I only experienced it yesterday. Mostly, she is in her fenced backyard, but if the gate or frontdoor is open, she will make a dash at whoever is going by. She seems to respond fairly well when her owner yells her off, but one of these days...

Yesterday I yelled over my shoulder at her owner that "Next time, I'm calling the cops!" But I thought, maybe I should get some dog spray, just in case, and also, maybe she will learn not to run out at passersby if she gets a snootful of pepper.

Have you used it? What brand, what type?
If you are a Patriot u will use bear spray
I’ve used dog off but think your best bet, and safest, is turbo
Well, I have on several occasions. Be advised the next time the dog sees you or someone else riding by it will either back off in fear or be even more vicious next time. I saw the effect several times. ALL were much meaner and aggressive dogs.

Video and report to local animal control and LEO!
Well, I have on several occasions. Be advised the next time the dog sees you or someone else riding by it will either back off in fear or be even more vicious next time. I saw the effect several times. ALL were much meaner and aggressive dogs.

Video and report to local animal control and LEO!
That is a good point.
The owners in my county are convinced the dog in the road is protecting their property. The dog owns the road as an agent of the property owner. As a bicycle rider, I am a tresspasser, lucky not to be shot on sight. I regularly get beer bottles & drink cups thrown at me. After all, bicycles are seen pushed by perpetrators at "Black Lives Matter" demonstrations. I've had owners run out in the yard to protect their precious 70 lb dog from the vicious bicycle.
Last August I used sabre brand pepper spray on one of three dogs that surrounded me at a 4 way stop sign. 80 yards from my driveway at my summer camp. I stop at traffic signs in view of drivers or other people. When the dogs wouldn't back off, I scored one in the eye. Sabre has pink dye in it to aim with. I couldn't get the leader, a vicious little terrier. Just the big stupid hound. Sabre is sold at Meijers discount store, one aisle over from the guns & ammo.
Sped away from two persuing dogs today; hooray electricity!
Down our street is a Doberman who comes barreling out its yard every so often like Yosemite Sam. Maybe she's all bark and no bite, I don't know. My neighbors had warned me about this dog, but I only experienced it yesterday. Mostly, she is in her fenced backyard, but if the gate or frontdoor is open, she will make a dash at whoever is going by. She seems to respond fairly well when her owner yells her off, but one of these days...

Yesterday I yelled over my shoulder at her owner that "Next time, I'm calling the cops!" But I thought, maybe I should get some dog spray, just in case, and also, maybe she will learn not to run out at passersby if she gets a snootful of pepper.

Have you used it? What brand, what type?
I can sympathize, having been attacked by multiple dobies I did not refer to as the ´lads´! Got nailed good
by a pitbull once. I have a cure though, It´s call a balloon full of ammonia.
I'm not sure I could grab the spray, direct it accurately, and still maintain balance of a charging dog. My luck, I'd spray myself! I've only had one occasion to fear a loose dog. I stopped, kept the bike between me and him, and just stood there. He lost interest and moved on.
That works pretty well, I slow way down to not trigger the dog & talk to it. That said, I have had to stomp a
dog´s face into the pavement in self defense on one occasion. Either way, they don´t come after me a second time.
I love dogs & by now all the dogs in my neighborhood are used to me, but there have been occasions in past
where it was fight or flight.
Ammonia works! Had to do that one time with a German Shepherd. It was a farm dog that would sit in the middle of the road and wait for bikers. I got tired of having to go as fast as I could on my road bike in my younger days and hope not to get bite. So instead of going fast I went slow and gave it a face full. I felt bad and would rather of thrown it in the face of the farmer. Dog was fine and did not chase me again. Don't know if it went after other bikers.
Careful that we don’t do something that injures s dog. This is a slippery slope.
Although I carry dog spray, I've never had to use it. I've come close a few times with dog walkers on trails who ignore the leash laws. As mentioned above, it's a toss up as to who gets the spray, the dog or it's walker.
Although I carry dog spray
A former shootist and CC fella here. Now feel no need for anything more than an S&W Pepper Spray with a fluorescing solution in the mix. A black-light reveals all...
Dogs are far less intimidating to me than the over abundance of peckerwoods in cages!
I was attacked by a Doberman back in the old days before pepper spray. Jumped up and latched onto my bicep and tried to pull me down as I rode up a steep hill. It pulled me enough that I was brought down to my left foot where I started poking the dog in the eyes as hard as I could. It finally released me and I rode down the hill as fast as I could for as far as I could. Fuggin dog was loose and could easily have attacked kids. Sorry, I like dogs but I have no sympathy for a dog that attacks a bike rider.