What health benefits have you gained and how much weight did you lose since owning an ebike?

As posted on the exercise thread. Lost about 10-13 pounds since early 2017. Waist size back to where it was 20 years ago. Went from overweight and almost obese on the doctor's BMI chart to "good".

On the negative, I had to buy a half dozen pairs of new pants for work. Hit the annual clothing budget pretty hard.
Good problem to have!
Dmitri, you seem to have a common human tendency to transfer your personal experience and opinion in to universal,declarative statements. I always have to check myself to make sure I am not doing this and do not always catch my own error. It is best to talk about one's own experience and observations, without making general statements.

You many be trying to "burst poeple's bubbles" but you will not succeed. You have your experiences and other's have theirs. I am not saying your opinions are not valid. They may be for you but are not universally applicable.

Clearly some of us have lost weight riding our ebikes. Saying something in an affirmative manner does not make it true. You say you don't see anyone losing weight. Just read the our stories in this thread and you will see just that.

'Alaskan' ....Your follow up post is spot on ! I could not agree more. If I may quote from the Dmitri post ( I'm absolutely not attempting to start a 'flaming war' ) , but this is extremely important to me...key word extremely...and I quote.... " One side effect I suppose is you'll get out more, so there's that, but that's a minor health benefit unless you're living in a polluted city (or are afraid of Radon poisoning at home "

For me the psychological benefit alone, when I ride my eBike is incalculable ! The freedom to go 'anywhere' is exhilarating. I've been riding for over a year and every time I ride is just like the first day, first ride all over. When I read the above quote I was genuinely offended and also reminded of what a wonderful and joy filled cycling adventure I'm on...