Wallke X3 Pro Advanced Menu Settings


New Member

Recent X3 Owner here. Ran into this forum trying to search if there was any way to access (and more importantly, edit) the advanced settings on the back. I can hold + and - buttons to access the 2 hidden menu options. One for the screen and the second for the advanced settings. However, I am unable to scroll through the list of menu items or even enter them to edit them. Only the "ok" button (iirc) at the bottom is accessible. Am I missing some other option to get into the sub-menu items and change them?

Any help will be appreciated.
Please kindly press the up and down along with power until you see OK on the screen then let go and press the up and down again until settings come up, you should now have access to advanced settings.

Here's the link of X3 Pro user manual:
Is there a way to configure the WPAS regeneration to be triggered when you apply the brakes? Seems logical to have this activated and help you slow down. The manual says it only engages at when traveling over 14mph in 0 or 1. So that would mean if you are in 0 - human mode it would activate as soon as you hit 14mph. Brake activated WPA regeneration would really give it a real TESLA of bikes feature.
I had confirmed with Wallke technican. They responded that when you apply the brakes, the WPA regeneration will be activated. I recommend you not to do that. It could have a significant impact on its overall operating condition.

e.g: the causes of equipment(motor and controller) failure