Well, I took one for the team and have ordered several bags only to returned them in order to finally find one that worked.
This bag (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01A0U3DVM) seems to work great.
It is padded, but only a bit. Plenty of room for handlebars, seat, and battery inside. There are even pockets inside (but not very protected from everything else). A pocket outside, too.
Has two "handles" for carrying, but I just wanted a sort of cover for schlepping the bike(s) around in. Seems like it will be perfect.
Shipped from China, but only took about a week to receive (even over Christmas).
This bag (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01A0U3DVM) seems to work great.
It is padded, but only a bit. Plenty of room for handlebars, seat, and battery inside. There are even pockets inside (but not very protected from everything else). A pocket outside, too.
Has two "handles" for carrying, but I just wanted a sort of cover for schlepping the bike(s) around in. Seems like it will be perfect.
Shipped from China, but only took about a week to receive (even over Christmas).