Voltbike Enduro Rear Suspension


New Member
My enduro came with an A5-RE suspension. I only see a single adjustment valve. The suspension is either super stiff (i.e. no sag) or has no rebound. Is it possible I have a bad shock? What PSI do you run?
My enduro came with an A5-RE suspension. I only see a single adjustment valve. The suspension is either super stiff (i.e. no sag) or has no rebound. Is it possible I have a bad shock? What PSI do you run?

I run 175 PSI and works well. It is very sensitive to pressure a few lbs either way makes a huge difference. Try making smaller adjustments around the 175 PSI area. A little trial and error will find your number.
I run 175 PSI and works well. It is very sensitive to pressure a few lbs either way makes a huge difference. Try making smaller adjustments around the 175 PSI area. A little trial and error will find your number.

If you're still around how much do you weigh? Thanks.
Voltbike Enduro: About the rear shock pressure....I weigh 70kg and have it set between 110 and 120psi. That gives me about 25 to 30% compression when I am just sitting on the bike.

I have had the bike since December 2018 so not too much riding yet but almost all on Sunshine Coast trails. It came with a 44 tooth chainring and I switched it out for a 36t. Much better climbing and I can keep my rev's up while climbing up steep trails so it is easier on the motor as well.
I don't have one of these bikes YET, but I expect that the rear shock is pressurised to the max at factory so you can just bleed a little off until its right for any rider. Saves you having to get a pump before you can get that all important first ride in.