I received a response, but not the answer you were looking for sorry.

Working on it. I am certain my bike is the very same that is still being sold. It has only been a day or so. I believe Voltbike Support will write back shortly. I bought my bike just in August and I was awaiting the arrival to give them a try so it is by no means is an old bike.
Yes, this is exactly what you can do.
Any time..

I understand buying something without trying is not an easy purchase. I was very fortunate to try mine out and George was very kind.
Of note.. The pedal assist does have take off power at the start but doesn't continue to pull you along without pedaling unless you choose to. If you are looking for a gradual or subtle pedal assist at the start, this is not your bike. That being said, Level 1-5, 6, 7 out of 9 will let you pedal to your hearts content without being overpowered once you are going. I use level 0 when I want a reality check hehehe.