Volt Bike Mariner 2016: So far so happy! Observations as they happen.

I was able to log 60km's today on a single charge of the battery.
Less hills can make this thing go far. Wow! :)
Ave speed 17km/h so less speed helped extend the battery is my best guess.
I am happy to report just 1000km on my little Mariner :D
For the occasion I bought a bright light for those darker misty-r foggy-r rainy-r days.
The factory light might not be enough but has been wonderful to have on hand up until now. "As always...Ride Safe" ;)
LIGHTVoltMariner.JPG LIGHTVoltMarinerprsent.JPG
After 1200 km's, surviving a crash into a ditch without ill effect(at least the bike didn't get any boo boo's) and it's first gear tune up, I have my first puncture from a 3 inch nail on my rear tire(lucky me). :oops: Plus side, I may learn something since I have no experience changing or even repairing a tire. :D
Bike tubes: Get some before you need some. I did not and being a different sized tire, it's not always in stock at the LMB. Blackberry bushes are enough to put pinholes into your tire and tubes if you insist on running off road. :oops:
Another down day on the bike. :( The front tire is still unwell waiting for the repair. I do have levers, sealant & patches and even flipped the bike upside down but then discovered the small kit of tools supplied with the bike don't fit. :eek: Like the bell they are a nice idea but don't all work functionally. Did I mention the bell won't "ding" once it gets wet in the rain?
that sucks about your bike

so you are waiting on a tube? or you have it but dont have the tools needed to get the wheel/tire on and off?

can you take it to a shop today and have them do it?

hope you are back riding soon
Just a wee update. The lights on my bike tend to not work occasionally. I am sure it is just a lose wire somewhere. My bow's bike (same model) has no issue. I imagine it is something that has just wiggled loose. Now for locating that part... Any suggestions? :)
Interesting post about lower PAS settings and too much power. I was deciding between the Radmini and the Mariner limited 5oo watt special edition. I drove an hour up the coast to demo a Rad Mini. Thought it look super cool but on the flats it seem to have too much power at the lower PAS settings. By PAS level 3 seem so jarring and fast compared to level 2 that it was completely outpacing me. It created a very jerky on and off feeling on the flats. I ended up ordering the Mariner which still hasn't shipped yet. But I couldn't test drive the Mariner because I live in the states, I am hoping the lower levels of PAS are more gentler than the Rad Mini I tried. Is there a way to adjust and customize each of the levels of PAS on the Mariner ,so for example that you feel level 3-5 are just too powerful or ramp up to quickly that you could adjust each of those levels individually to suit your taste.
If you are pedaling down hill and not using very much pedal assist once you reach 20 MPH does that engine automatically shut off? It
seems like that could be weird and a bit jerky when it just randomly kicks back in.
Also is there a throttle only option on the Mariner? Cant wait to get mine , should be shipping in about ten days. Cross my fingas its everything I'd hope for.
Is there a way to adjust and customize each of the levels of PAS on the Mariner, so for example that you feel level 3-5 are just too powerful or ramp up to quickly that you could adjust each of those levels individually to suit your taste.
There are 9 Levels of assist giving you more options to choose how fast you would like to go. This might help get the best selection without consumer customization.
If you are pedaling downhill and not using very much pedal assist once you reach 20 MPH does that engine automatically shut off? It
seems like that could be weird and a bit jerky when it just randomly kicks back in.
If you are going downhill and reach 20 MPH the engine will cut out as the governor(hehe):p will prevent the motor from going faster. If you are going downhill & going fast enough to hit 20 MPH when the motor starts up again at a rolling speed it won't feel it surges as much as from a stand still. Lowering you level of assist will prevent as much surging (on & off) while biking downhill if you are going slower. Set to level 0 ( you will need to adjust the default settings FYI to get this) then you can pedal all you want without any surging. The lower levels of assist don't pull you up to 20 MPH and then cut out. IE. Level 1 cuts out ~8mph, Level 2 ~12mph.. etc etc.
Also is there a throttle only option on the Mariner?
Sadly there is no throttle only level.. (something I put on my wish list). At least from what I could find. You can select Level 1 and then use throttle as much as you like onward from there. Select Level 0 and it's all manual with a bike computer.

If you like to avoid surging from a stand still, I recommend starting in level 0 start pedalling until you have more speed then up-ing your level of assist. Or, set it to Level 1 and use the throttle to start out like a motor bike controlling you take off. Partially applying the brakes (engages the throttle cut) can also prevent taking off when does not want to. The motor tends to kick in at 3/4 of a full turn.

Much luck on your purchase and enjoyment of :)
I'll be receiving the new Yukon 750 soon, so maybe I can compare its PAS as well. I think it is probably similar to the Mariner.
Thanks Cnugget for the replies. Pas settings 1-3 are they fairly mild and gradual order do the kick in and ramp up pretty quick? How is the throttle mode with lower levels of pedal assist, is it gradual or does it kick in fairly big when it is first engaged a little?
roflo did you ride a new radmini? my 2-3 month old mini is pretty mellow in level 1 and 2, although i still think level 3 is too big a jump up

i know rad power has been working on this, so it is possible you rode one with an older controller that is faster

will be very interested to see what your experience is with the mariner vs how the mini felt to you

i did not realize the mariner does not have a throttle only mode, it comes in handy when you have a too fast cadence sensing pas
I just heard back from George at Volt bikes and he says the Mariner special edition does have throttle only mode , maybe this is a new feature on the 500watt special edition thats just now coming out. I really like the ability to just barely touch the throttle at a complete stand still to get the bike going without pedaling then kicking in PAS. George has been great at answering a ton of question, which is rare these days. I am feeling much more secure about my purchase now. Still bummed that there is no way to disengage the governor limiter 20mph engine shut off, but George at Volt assures me that 20 MPH on a 20" fat bike feels really fast.
I did try a Rad Mini and PAS level 1 barely did anything, PAS level 2 kick in quite a bit more but level 3 was like way too much. on the flats it was like once I got going level 2 wasn't enough but level 3 was way too much and aggressive.Made riding on anything fairly level seem very jerky going from PAS levels 2 and 3.
@Roflo Thottle only? Awesome!! Did George mention how that was achieved? I believe this is the same bike that I have. Learning things every day is great. :D

Throttle depends on the control of your thumb but you can achieve gradual increments. PAS settings 1-3 are still on the low end.. Remember there are up to 9 levels to choose from that slowly ramp up. :p
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Cnugget do you have the latest Mariner 500 watt limited edition? If your not sure, go to Volts website and look under Mariner new section and see if that is the version of the Mariner you have. Make sure you report back and let us know if your version incorporates the throttle only feature. If not contact George to see how to engage it. How long ago did you purchase your Mariner?
roflo that is exactly my thoughts on the pas with the mini also
1 and 2 are slow but 2 cuts out a little too early speed wise and 3 is ridiculous...

very anxious to hear what cnugget finds out on her throttle stuff and how you find the pas on the mariner limited edition...

good chance i am going to push a friend to order a mariner this week
I have sent an email to Voltbike support to verify but.. I am about 90% sure that you MSUT have the PAS level 1-9 selected to have the throttle work. I am also quite sure I have this very same model you speak of. It is a very simple system... When you turn it on it will by default be on level 1 pedal assist. There is no hunting for the setting.. it is a simple up or down. Throttle can then be used at any time to over ride the PAS until the govna kicks in at 20 mph. There is no throttle only mode. You can however achieve a level 0 if you wish to use the cycle computer info and pedal manually without the PAS engaging/active.. In Level zero the throttle will not work( you will need to access the settings inside the menu (0-9) to change to this preference, it is not a default FYI). Hope that helps clarify. With 9 levels of PAS I am sure you will find a happy medium between slow and fast. ;) PS.. Walk assist WORKS on this bike and is quite speedy.

Any of @Court 's video reviews of the Volt products will overview how the electronics cycle computer works. It is the same setup.
I wonder if there is anyway to override the governor limit setting somehow within the system setting? PAS hack you could call it.
I really like the ability to just barely touch the throttle at a complete stand still to get the bike going without pedaling then kicking in PAS.
You can still do this on any level of assist. This is usually how I start out instead of pedalling until the PAS kicks in.

I wonder if there is anyway to override the governor limit setting somehow within the system setting? PAS hack you could call it.
If you clip a wire in your controller I am sure that this would enable you to go faster. You would void any kind of warranty if you did so though. I am fine with the amount of speed it already generates... I just know too many people that have been in bike (motorbike that is) accidents. Usually they don't win regardless whom is at fault. Speed kills.