Volt Bike Mariner 2016: So far so happy! Observations as they happen.

I am sure that 20MPH is fast enough on a 20" fat tire bikes.........I know on my wifes bike the motor wont go faster than 20 MPH on flats but if you are doing a bit of a smooth downhill a you inch into the 21-23 mph and not using much motor the engine doesn't just shut off , which could be more problematic than not.
I know on my wifes bike the motor wont go faster than 20 MPH on flats but if you are doing a bit of a smooth downhill a you inch into the 21-23 mph and not using much motor the engine doesn't just shut off , which could be more problematic than not.

While the motor stops, momentum still works great.:D I've clocked way upwards of 20 MPH on mine going downhill.. It really depends on the hill and your own mass.. It does have an ON or OFF feel if you are right on the bubble of the 20 mph. If I find that I am in that range, I usually turn down my level of PAS.
Cnugget , did you ever hear back from George about the throttle only option on your bike or just the newer ones now being released?
Also, Can you be in a selected PAS level of your choice at a complete stand still , not pedal and use throttle only to get the bike started then once you get going start pedaling then your selected PAS level kicks in? If you can do that, the throttle only option isn't quite as crucial. Thanks for answering my questions and giving me feedback with real world experience on your Volt Mariner, not many other opinions from actual owner out there and since my bike wont be shipping until Oct 20th or so, I really want to make sure I made a good and right choice.
On my Yukon 750, I was pleasantly surprised to see that it has real-time Wattage/Power readings! Also, "Speed-Limit Set" goes all the way up to 100km/h (not the 45km/h max noted in the manual). Does your Mariner have the same options?
Cnugget , did you ever hear back from George about the throttle only option on your bike or just the newer ones now being released?
I received a response, but not the answer you were looking for sorry.:p Working on it. I am certain my bike is the very same that is still being sold. It has only been a day or so. I believe Voltbike Support will write back shortly. I bought my bike just in August and I was awaiting the arrival to give them a try so it is by no means is an old bike.

Also, Can you be in a selected PAS level of your choice at a complete stand still , not pedal and use throttle only to get the bike started then once you get going start pedaling then your selected PAS level kicks in?
Yes, this is exactly what you can do. :)

Thanks for answering my questions and giving me feedback with real world experience on your Volt Mariner, not many other opinions from actual owner out there and since my bike wont be shipping until Oct 20th or so, I really want to make sure I made a good and right choice.
Any time..:D I understand buying something without trying is not an easy purchase. I was very fortunate to try mine out and George was very kind.

Of note.. The pedal assist does have take off power at the start but doesn't continue to pull you along without pedaling unless you choose to. If you are looking for a gradual or subtle pedal assist at the start, this is not your bike. That being said, Level 1-5, 6, 7 out of 9 will let you pedal to your hearts content without being overpowered once you are going. I use level 0 when I want a reality check hehehe.
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On my Yukon 750, I was pleasantly surprised to see that it has real-time Wattage/Power readings! Also, "Speed-Limit Set" goes all the way up to 100km/h (not the 45km/h max noted in the manual). Does your Mariner have the same options?
Yes I love this feature! You can gauge how much of the battery you are using and how much (or little) your legs are pushing. On an earlier post in this thread I put up the menu settings break down. You can adjust the Speed Limit Set to a variety of numbers but the speed limiter has final say. I did of course try and found I could limit it to a lower speed which was fun. :D I would assume (hopefully not wrongly) that the USA bikes shipped would be the same.
I received a response, but not the answer you were looking for sorry.:p Working on it. I am certain my bike is the very same that is still being sold. It has only been a day or so. I believe Voltbike Support will write back shortly. I bought my bike just in August and I was awaiting the arrival to give them a try so it is by no means is an old bike.

Yes, this is exactly what you can do. :)

Any time..:D I understand buying something without trying is not an easy purchase. I was very fortunate to try mine out and George was very kind.

Of note.. The pedal assist does have take off power at the start but doesn't continue to pull you along without pedaling unless you choose to. If you are looking for a gradual or subtle pedal assist at the start, this is not your bike. That being said, Level 1-5, 6, 7 out of 9 will let you pedal to your hearts content without being overpowered once you are going. I use level 0 when I want a reality check hehehe.
Thats a good thing about being in PAS mode and being able to not pedal the bike but start with the throttle but........when you first kick in the throttle can it be fairly subtle as you barely engage it or does it whisk you off pretty quickly no matter how little throtle you use.
but........when you first kick in the throttle can it be fairly subtle as you barely engage it or does it whisk you off pretty quickly no matter how little throttle you use.
It will still pick you up pretty quick..at least I think so.. Using the thumb throttle at lower speeds is a fine art. I am more likely to just push it all the way on and get whisked off. I would have to try a partial engage.. ( I picture this having the effect of me fall over slowly and not entirely sure if I have tried this hehehehe ). I have doubts:rolleyes: on the "subtle" part even so, I will give it a go and report back ASAP. :)
roflo totally get all your questions about controlled speed on the lower pas levels, i am the same way

way too many of the cadence sensing bikes are too fast imo in the lower level pas , it is a hassle and weird, why have 9 levels of pas if the lower levels cannot be slow...

the torque bikes are more expensive but dont seem to have these issues, but most of them do not have throttle either

have to say rad power is really paying attention to this and toning down the lower pas levels , they got a lot of feedback about how people thought the pas was too fast
the 2015 rover was ridiculous, wide open throttle-775 watts in level 2 pas
but they changed that significantly in the later bikes
and the mini is toned down

i am interested to see what voltbike is doing on this also

at interbike i was the only one going around the track really slow trying to see how all the bikes acted in level 1 and 2 lol
the bikes reps would put you on the bike and turn the pas up to 5 and i was like NO! put it on level 1
want to see what the bike does in the low levels going slow, i know all of them can go fast lol
sure i was annoying all the fast riders.....

most of this is just controller programming, my rover now has 2016 electrical components and is smooth and slow in level 1-2
same on my mini
the pas is nice and controlled and of course faster in the higher levels
I completely agree with your observations. I am new to the ebike world but my initial reaction to so many PAS systems are lower PAS settings are way too fast and if the lowest setting are slow, on level 1 and 2 by the time 3 kicks in its off to the races. Why cant these manufactures of ebikes make a even linear ramp up from level 1 incrementally up to the highest level. So far my average experience has been level one +10% increase , level two 25% increase, Level three 65% increase , level four 85 % increase , Level five -full out max.
My new Volt Mariner I've order which hasnt arrived yet, has 9 levels of PAS and I am hoping its a much more gradual increase in PAS power setting but from the feedback of Cnugget i think its unlikely.
@vincent How a bike starts out and the performance of the initial levels can be very helpful.

I did try a Pedago and found it over powered me completely prior to my purchase. The point was to ride a bike and have assist if I wanted it, not to sit on a bike and treat it like it was a scooter. I found the Mariner had power if I needed but didn't overpower me if I didn't want it too.

I LOVE having the 9 different levels of PAS to choose from (probably said this before). I would have to check what the slowest maintainable speed with PASS level would be. Pedalling under my own speed would be faster than the lower pass levels itself on flats. I have been working on an average but they are uphill averages. Avoiding the lower levels for cardio and lack of granny hill climbing gears.

Average Distance based over 12 km's, 6% Grade, 850m eGain Rider ~180lbs
Lv3 HR~135 51min ~14km/h
Lv4 HR~122 46min ~16km/h
Lv7 HR~131 12km 35min ~21km/h
Lv8 HR~134 12km 32min ~22km/h
Lv9 HR~142 12km 28min ~25km/h

I am glad Rad is doing good things. I think it's great company's are offering ebikes and that we get a choice. Looking forward to future ebike versions but content with my first purchase as a good starter electric bike.
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i hope all the cheaper end bikes are getting feedback on the pas and are toning those down

very cool that you feel the mariner is slower than the pedegos, i rode some pedegos the other day and agree level 1 was way too zippy
the owner of the shop actually said they use throttle most of the time unless they are at a decent speed on a bike path, road etc

actually pushed a friend to order a mariner this week, but i do hope they changed it and there is a throttle only option
@Roflo I tried a partial engage of the throttle today inside during the rain storm just to see if you could.. And to my surprise.. I could!! :eek: Wow! You have to go real slow with the throttle then it sorta clicks where you can hear the motor engaging and trying to go forward. Then, it goes forward slowly sorta like a motorbike! I'm still shocked that it does this. Unsure if this is harmful to the battery or bike motor somehow.

@vincent You can use throttle only while in any level of PAS without pedalling. It isn't technically throttle only but... if you can engage the throttle and then start pedalling you will most likely be going faster than PAS Level 1 on a Mariner. :D

Throttle only is lower on my wish list now. :) How bout some Granny gears for real climbing?? hehehehe (always looking for more) :p
@Roflo While engaging the motor slowly is possible, it is a bit more of a challenge than a motorbike to complete. Normally on a motorbike you have both feet on the ground to balance where a bike has you(or at least me) are up higher off the ground for pedalling. I found I could not balance upright and slowly start the motor off because my feet don't touch the ground.

@vincent I have been testing out & thinking about the min speed. The min speed I could get on my Mariner in Level 1 was 7.8 km/hr or 4.8 mi/hr uphill. Level 1 on flat is usually closer to 9km/hr or 5.6mi/hr. It would be nice to have this level a bit lower as uphill getting started can be a bit of a battle/grind/jolt. To go from a steep hill to 8km/hr is quite the shocker and could land a person on the bute-ox. :D
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Cnugget how tall are you? The reason I asked is that I am a short man 5'5" tall and I am concerned that the seat may be to high for me even at its lowest position. I like to have it where my tippy toes are just touching the ground for a bit of balance while at a stand still.
The other issue with the PAS low levels are this.........if there are 9 levels of pedal assist and the max speed of the bike is 20 MPH and if there was a fairly even ramp up in speed from 1-9 PAS. That would make every level should ramp up about 2.25 MPH per level. So level 1 would go 2.25 mph, level 2'would go 4.5 MPH , level 3 would go 6.75. What your saying CNugget starts at level 1 at 5.6 mile per hour on the flats, that speed seems like it should be closer to level 3 with an more even ramp up in PAS levels. Maybe I am just over thinking this , but I don't understand is,why with 9 levels of PAS levels that at lower PAS levels a lower speed is not available. Seems like levels 1-4 could easily be lower by the manufacture for a more even ramp up in PAS levels or whats the point in having 9 levels available at all.
@Rolfo I agree the speeds could be lower at start out. I am 5'8" with fairly long legs. I have the seat almost maxed out for height. You can go lower your seat position of course but the shock absorber in the post does limit how low it can go. I am sure you could get a different one to get lower seat height if you prefer. My height for cycling via the pedals normally means that my feet don't readily touch the ground. I can still pedal if I drop the seat but it is not in an ideal location so that is why a slow throttle engage doesn't work out as well for me. It might be different for you and how you set up the seat.
Cnugget.....since your seat is maxed high in height.......approximately how many inches could you lower the seat if a smaller person needed to ride your bike.......is there 4-6 inches or more that you could lower it.
Are there any pics of the Mariner folded in half, I cannot find any anywhere and what to make sure the it will fold fairly tightly and concentrated for a fat tire bike.
Cnugget.....since your seat is maxed high in height.......approximately how many inches could you lower the seat if a smaller person needed to ride your bike.......is there 4-6 inches or more that you could lower it.

Probably at least 8 inches? I was trying to get a tape measure out to give you the min inset on the lowest seat setting so you would know exactly but I don't currently own one. Doh! :rolleyes: