Vast majority of NYC's 28,000 new bike share bikes will be electric


Brooklyn, NY

Really excited to see e-bikes continue to become more mainstream, particularly in a city like New York which hasn't really been supportive of e-bikes until fairly recently.

That said, I'm really curious how Citi Bike plans to keep all those e-bikes charged. Currently, only 200 of the system's 12,000 bikes are electric and recharging them has proven challenging — if you dock a bike whose battery is very low / depleted, it gets locked and their staff has to come and swap out the battery for a charged one.
Well done Motivate, the new ebikeshare design is a winner. Hello DC Capital Bikeshare, consider your teeny tiny 80 bike CaBi Plus trial a success - now get on with it, call Motivate in Brooklyn and buy several hundred more.
'm really curious how Citi Bike plans to keep all those e-bikes charged.

Well, here in Seattle, Lime Bike drives a truck around and picks up their e-bikes to charge them up. Once charged, they drive a truck around and to drop them off in seed locations.
We have actually worked with CitiBike to help in their balancing efforts by providing eCargo bikes to help balance batteries. Most are balanced via vehicles at the moment though.

Very cool! Huge amount of respect for you and your shop, @Chris Nolte — love what you're doing and have had nothing but great experiences with Propel. Thank you!
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