Vado4 battery broken after 56 charges, no warranty


New Member
Greetings from Finland., Europe. We have two Vado4 bikes, which are very fine. Last summeri my battery was broken after 5000km and about 60 charges. I got new battery as warranty ( cost 180€, 504ah - > 604ah). That was fair and ok.
This spring my wife's bike's battery went broken again after about 5000km. Now my LBS said that this is no warranty after contacting Specialized!!
WTF, I have understood that You can charges battery about 1000 times. Now battery has been charced 6 % of promised times and it is broken. Battery has newer beeb fallen down erc..
New battery cost to me 999€.

What you think, is this good and fair behavior againts customer. Do I have to buy every 5000km new
Ok. I understand warranty rule. But for me is only important that after 56 charges battery is broken. Is It monday piece of sh.. or what? Anyway, customer pays and spessu is satisfied, they got one battery away from their storage. Hope that this new one is 100% good guality and not any bs.
That is disappointing to hear. Did you buy both bikes same time from the same shop? Either way, it seems worthwhile to escalate up to Specialized for additional consideration. They should be interested in learning why one customer ended up with two bad batteries. Maybe as you say a bad batch or possibly other common circumstances like shipping/warehousing issues.
Yes, both bikes are from same LBS, which is very good and trustable dealer. They have borroved me during both cases spare battery. So we have no situation that we can't use bikes. No I have to say, like one man said: It is what it is.
No. Bikes are always in carage + 22 and I charges them in kitchen. Never use until end. My wife say that I am too careful with batteries but that's what I am. Fx I clean bikes after every drive... I am engineer, maybe You understand...
I am wondering exactly what is "bad" regarding your battery? What steps have you taken to determine the battery is "bad"? If there is no output, it's very likely you have something going on inside the battery case that's easily repaired, or maybe the battery isn't getting power from the charger?

If it's not taking a full charge, or has limited range, is it possible you aren't charging long enough to get a good balance charge often enough? That's something else you might be able to fix easily....

Or have you actually removed the battery case and identified bad (low) cells?
try to open it, and disconect /reco the bms. engineer here also. and don't buy specialized next time.
Bikes are always in carage + 22 and I charges them in kitchen. Never use until end. My wife say that I am too careful with batteries but that's what I am. Fx I clean bikes after every drive... I am engineer, maybe You understand...
It won't be a shame treating the batteries wrong if it's your first E-bike. I'm an engineer (but in mechanical engineering) as well and killed my first one very fast...

But you still did not tell us exactly what do you mean with "broken". It's dead/does not turn on or it has a reduced range or what exactly?
It dont work. It doesn't give power to bike. LBS has checked and tested and has same result. It is full charged etc, but nothing happens. Now wife use dealer's battery. Next month we get new 604ah battery. As I have said, it costed me 999€.
Than it's not the usual aging and losing range/storing ability of lipo batteries. Something was wrong/damaged in this batteries from one day to another. If it happened after the warranty time, Specialized and your dealer may have reacted correctly, but far from fair. It's seems clear that something was wrong with this batteries (maybe many of this type). You just can show clearly that this was your last bike at this LBS and the last Spezalized you bought... :-(
It dont work. It doesn't give power to bike. LBS has checked and tested and has same result. It is full charged etc, but nothing happens. Now wife use dealer's battery. Next month we get new 604ah battery. As I have said, it costed me 999€.

You're an engineer. Aren't you curious WHY this battery has no output? What do you have to loose by investigating further? A volt meter, some basic hand tools, and half an hour of your time should have you an answer.

I am not one to trust the word of a possibly inexperienced tech working in a bike shop, especially when it's going to cost me a lot of money.....
I am mechanical wood engineer. If I try to solve any electrical issues, it will be disaster. But anyway, bikes are very fine and I have to think that it is only money what I have lost. My LBS is exellent, no any bad words againts them.
I had a similar problem on a Turbo Levo. It was the cable from the battery to the motor. The problem was resolved by the third tech that tried to fix the bike. No one, including me had noticed a problem with the plug to the battery.
This is pretty bad advice.
Oh what a Big ego you have 😂... Then keep buying Specialized and cry here for help.

Or send them this mssg. :

"This is a pretty bad ebike battery you guys have put on this amazing ebike. I had to post on a very well known ebike forum about my issues and now people think Specialized is crap.
Can you please help ??"