Vado4 battery broken after 56 charges, no warranty

Oh what a Big ego you have 😂... Then keep buying Specialized and cry here for help.

Or send them this mssg. :

"This is a pretty bad ebike battery you guys have put on this amazing ebike. I had to post on a very well known ebike forum about my issues and now people think Specialized is crap.
Can you please help ??"

I sell Specialized, the advice for the consumer to use the dealer only software is misguided. Sorry you've had bad experiences, I beg to differ based on what I've seen and sold as a Specialized Dealer.
Last week local Specialized rep visited my LBS and he said that Specialized don't give any discount to me. I think that case is closed. Now I start to write finish fillarifoorumi and let finish bike owners know how sh.. t is warranty. Maybe next week we get new 604ah battery. I think that most sad is that Vado4 is very fine bike but Specialized is bs.
Mission control shows how many times you have charged battery. I think that Specialized have other ways too to see what has happened.
I’m just curious and would like to hear if anyone has put a claim into their credit card co. Most, if not all CC companies double the warranty on purchases, providing that you made the purchase that way?
Last week local Specialized rep visited my LBS and he said that Specialized don't give any discount to me. I think that case is closed. Now I start to write finish fillarifoorumi and let finish bike owners know how sh.. t is warranty. Maybe next week we get new 604ah battery. I think that most sad is that Vado4 is very fine bike but Specialized is bs.

You are in Eu, you should buy BH or Klever . Or Cube/Bulls . You guys there have a LOT of great brands.
He has no experience.

Does your Special Specialized uses an unobtainium battery or a prototype controller ??

From what i've opened, upgraded and fixed (battery, controller, TQ sensor) and from what you never opened and fixed ( battery , controller , other ebike parts) there is a huge Canyon of missing knowledge on your part.

Perhaps the tires on your ebike are 747C and in that case your exp. is relevant ?
It's just a lot of newbies or mostly ego driven people here lately.
The good old days are in the older threads.

I'm moving on or upgrading to Endlessspehere. It's a bunch of people with "no experience" there.
It's just a lot of newbies or mostly ego driven people here lately.
The good old days are in the older threads.

I'm moving on or upgrading to Endlessspehere. It's a bunch of people with "no experience" there.

Jeeze, must be having a rough day.

Good for you liking to tinker on things, some of us like to mod but keep the sensitive bits sealed so as to have the warranty retained.

Go for a bike ride and stop yelling at people on the internet.