I've tried battery powered bike lights and USB 'rechargeable' bike lights. Neither has given me the brightness I'd like to stand out on a sunny SoCal day.
My BH Atom X has one USB 2.0 port built into the controller.
Can anyone suggest a reasonably priced (sub $50) bike lighting system that is powered by USB 2.0? I'd ideally like to be able to plug right in without any splicing. If I could get a front and rear light combo that share the same power cord, that would be wonderful....and I'm hoping for really bright. Hope someone can suggest something.
My BH Atom X has one USB 2.0 port built into the controller.
Can anyone suggest a reasonably priced (sub $50) bike lighting system that is powered by USB 2.0? I'd ideally like to be able to plug right in without any splicing. If I could get a front and rear light combo that share the same power cord, that would be wonderful....and I'm hoping for really bright. Hope someone can suggest something.