My 840 wh battery far exceeds the ability of my hips to sit on the seat. I've tried 6 seats so far on this frame. Suspension posts will not fit my frame, nor will shaft clamp seats like cloud9. I do make sure my battery is charged before a 30 mile 3.7 hour (4.7 with a headwind) summer camp commute. I can charge at either end. The 1000 W DD motor consumed most of the charge on the route, red lighting on the 58th of 60 hills but working some more on the flatter end. The 1300 W geared hub motor would do the route in about 75% charge. The Mac12t motor would do the route in about 60% charge, faster than any other. On shorter trips, I don't charge until battery is below 45 v (48 v nominal, 53.6 max). I bought the 17.5 AH battery because I had desires of riding the bike to concerts & fairs 50 miles away, but my speed is about 9 mph when in shape and my pain endurance does not extend to that duration.
My battery is 4.2 years old and has about 350 charges. It is performing very well. It came from Luna. My battery is not quick change, and takes about 20 minutes, an 8" shaft phillips screwdriver, two 7/16" and one 11/32" combo wrenches, and a nail puller to get off. Two attempts have been made to steal it at the grocery store, both unsuccessful. A few nuts were backed off but not removed. The nuts resist the thief every turn. The battery enclosure was made by me out of aluminum angle, foam insulation, a plastic bag, and 20 screws with elastic stop nuts.
If I had a spare battery in the pannier, I would imagine it would be stolen at a concert venue 50 miles away. After all, the thief would know exactly when I was coming back, after the last encore of the final band. Plus a spent small battery couldn't be such a PIT* to take off.