Turbo Vado 4 Battery Best Practices


I guess this would be a question for all Specialized E-Bikes;

What are the best practices to maintain the battery for optimal performance and life?

I heard you should not let the battery completely deplete.

Is it ok to charge the battery when there is still between 35% and 50% charge left?

Any other suggestions and recommendations?
As you might suspect, there is a plethora of info re battery life on the web. One of the best sources I've found is batteryuniversity.com, specifically https://batteryuniversity.com/learn/article/how_to_prolong_lithium_based_batteries.

There are also a number of other threads that discuss this topic.

Basically, the conventional wisdom is to not deeply discharge the battery (keep it above 20%) and don't often charge to 100%. In general keep it below 80%. Store at maybe 50%. Keep inside in cool weather.

Then there are those of us that are "aging out". This all seems like too much effort to some of us, including me. I ride till I get home, often with 10-12% of battery remaining, then I recharge to whatever the charger does and ride some more. It will shorten my battery life, but then I suppose for me it's a race to see which dies first, me or the battery...😎

I say catch me if you can.

Ride On!
As you might suspect, there is a plethora of info re battery life on the web. One of the best sources I've found is batteryuniversity.com, specifically https://batteryuniversity.com/learn/article/how_to_prolong_lithium_based_batteries.

There are also a number of other threads that discuss this topic.

Basically, the conventional wisdom is to not deeply discharge the battery (keep it above 20%) and don't often charge to 100%. In general keep it below 80%. Store at maybe 50%. Keep inside in cool weather.

Then there are those of us that are "aging out". This all seems like too much effort to some of us, including me. I ride till I get home, often with 10-12% of battery remaining, then I recharge to whatever the charger does and ride some more. It will shorten my battery life, but then I suppose for me it's a race to see which dies first, me or the battery...😎

I say catch me if you can.

Ride On!
Sounds like you may outdo the battery and a couple of (untested) range extenders anyway, Tim.
Getting a Specialized Vado SL 5.0. The battery, for all practical purposes, is not coming off the bike.(In the down tube). So I will be charging the battery from the bike itself. That means when I am not riding it will reside in my garage (the bike in the living room days are long over) Here I am reading that batteries should come in at night for climate control. I live in South Hot Hot Florida. Garage stays in the 80's most of the time. Am I OK or do I have to ask the Mrs. if the bike can sleep inside the air conditioned house?
I'm not aware of any issues with Li batteries being stored in tne 80s. Temps below 40°F are an issue, but I don't suspect that'll be a problem for you!

With that said, a Vado SL 5.0 would enhance the decor of any room...🤣
I'm not aware of any issues with Li batteries being stored in tne 80s. Temps below 40°F are an issue, but I don't suspect that'll be a problem for you!

With that said, a Vado SL 5.0 would enhance the decor of any room...🤣
In my days as a single man, my main rig was always in the bedroom, cuz I loved it so. Didn't work so well on the dating scene. Granted this was many many moons ago, many.
With the newer batteries you don't need to sweat any "memory" or "deep discharge" issues. Best practice is to disconnect after it's fully charged and if you're storing for over 3 weeks keep it between 30-80% charge.

I run mine down to 50% going to the shop and immediately charge it and do the same going home. I follow best practices most of the time but I'm also eager to see if/when things fail to better help customers. It's been working like a dream, no issues whatsoever after 1500 miles on my Vado 5.0, for what it's worth.

Extreme cold/heat are a big deal, try and keep it inside, battery or bike if you can.
I ruined my first (small) Bosch battery without any care within 2-3 years, means less than half of the original range.
For my next battery I cared much better and it was after the same time and milage at maybe 85% and is still doing well it's job.

My experiences:

- Worst thing: Don't wait/dont' store the battery for a longer time if it's empty
- Also don't wait/store for a longer time if it's at 100%
Both states damage the cell cemistry.
- Don't use all the battery/until it powers off, if it's not really necessary (especially with Creo or Vado SL it's not to hrad to do the last miles withount motor)

Dos/not to bad:
- It's ok to charge up to 100%, but only if you really need the 100% and than charge it shortly before the trip.
- It's ok to use all the battery sometimes if you really need it. But charge it directly(!) after the trip. Simply just always charge it after a trip if it's below maybe 30-35%.
- Store the bike at 60-80%, that's fine for the battery AND it's always ready to use.
- Storing bike or battery at lower temperatures (below zero degree Celsius/10 degrees F) is no problem (many people store there RC lipo battieres outside for years), but don't charge it at this temperatures. For this battery should have at least 45 degrees F. I'm not sure if charging at this temperatures damages the battery, but it stores no energy, you can charge hours and it does not fill up. But even if you have to charge outside in the could it's easy: Charge directly after coming home, where the battery even in winter always has at least 60 degrees F. Charging also heats up the battery slightly, so it's warm enough during charging even if there's below zero outside. (No warranty for Siberia or similar places...)