Turbo 2015 base model Battery at 98%

Richard Spensley

New Member
My battery has NEVER shown 100% charge. I've only owned the bike for a couple of months and it was a demo model (100kms on the odo when I bought it) but the battery never charges to 100%. Is this normal? I didn't think anything of it at first as I couldn't tell if I had just missed it being 100% and then noticed it when riding but have since checked and even when fully charged all night it only shows 98%. Not sure if it shows 100% after 3 hours of charging and then drops overnight, I haven't watched it like a hawk. It also seems to drop very quickly, losing 4-6% within the first 0.5-1km. Should I go back to the dealer?
I think the battery-charger on the newer models has a lower cut-off voltage (eg. 41.6-41.8V), but the percent-calculation is done on the "real" cut-off voltage (42V). It's not an indication for a faulty battery. My 2014 Turbo-S had always 100% after loading finished. My European 2016 S-CE shows 98% all the time.
My 2014 Turbo S usually shows 98 with the large charger and 96 with the travel charger.
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Maybe apples and oranges?? My Stromer battery is the same - 98% after a full charge. It has been consistent so I figure - no big deal.
My 13 Turbo (with about 3500 miles on the battery) has mostly 100% after a charge, but it will usually drop 2% if I leave it there for a couple of days without a charger. However, even if it has dropped to, say, 98%, and I put the regen on, it will bounce back to 100% after a couple of meters of riding.
Here is what I posted in my other thread about charging issues but I will post it here too. This is what I got from the Specialized Rep:

Regarding the issues you’re having:
1. We have an updated component for the lights that addresses the charging issue.
2. There is a firmware update the fixes the battery percentage. This is the result of a slight difference in tolerances between what the battery and charger interpret as a full charge.
3. The odometer reset issue is the result of an occasional hiccup in how the system saves the ride data when the bike is turned off. The firmware update that fixes the battery State of Charge improves this but unfortunately it still happens occasionally. The team is actively working on getting that where it needs to be.
So, we can get two of these taken care of and let you know when the last one is resolved. I understand how the Odometer reset is annoying- I have the same battery on my Turbo that I ride daily so I can empathize with you- but know that it is a minor bug that we’re taking care of. Because I’m running that same battery I am also test new FW versions before we share them with retailers.
Thanks John. That's strange, as I recently had the bike in the shop for repairs (after a crash) and I would have thought that they would check the firmware updates then. Maybe I should ask them to double check? Do you know what version of the firmware fixes the battery percentage issue? At least I can check if that's the version I have on my bike.
Thanks John. That's strange, as I recently had the bike in the shop for repairs (after a crash) and I would have thought that they would check the firmware updates then. Maybe I should ask them to double check? Do you know what version of the firmware fixes the battery percentage issue? At least I can check if that's the version I have on my bike.
Sorry I don't know the firmware versions...
Sometimes my 2016 Turbo X says 100%, sometimes 98%, after an overnight charge. The bike fitter at the shop where I bought the bike told me to expect this. He has put over 4000 miles on his 2015 base model commuting from Leesburg to Arlington, VA.
My battery usually shows 100% charge when I put it back on the bike (I always charge off the bike). It then will drop to 98% by the time I leave my driveway! (A few 100's of feet). When calculating range based on battery management, I always assume my full battery is 98% and that I can go to around 5% left. Also, keep in mind that full Turbo ends at 20%. By the way, I rode 34 miles today, mostly at ECO40 but probably around 8 miles at full Turbo. I had 34% left at the end. Generally I assume that my range is around 40-50 miles when I use ECO40 with a bit of Turbo for hill climbs and/or I am nearing home with an excess of battery power left.

My average speeds over mixed hilly rides on country roads or bike trail:

ECO40 - 15+ mph
ECO50 - 15-17 mph
ECO60 - 16-18 mph
ECO70 - 17-19 mph
TURBO - 18-22 mph

Ranges (with 468Wh battery):

ECO40 - up to 50 miles
ECO50 - up to 40 miles
ECO60 - up to 35 miles
ECO70 - up to 30 miles
TURBO - up to 25 miles
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