Trust "The Science"

They certainly did put out scare stories about "Trump's rushed vaccines". They said the agencies might even skip safety steps. Joe challenged who would put up their hand and volunteer to take one.
The poor wife must be deceived daily. Disgusting dishonesty, displayed here, for little reason.
yes because trump cant be trusted to change the toilet paper roll. the man stole government classified documents and tried to overthrow the election but hey Biden is the dishonest one sure. but trump is about 1000,000 times more dishonest. but that does not bother you for some reason.
Sorry I misread it. The rest still stands... Told you I would admit it.. Still waiting on others.. Won't my breath though

Politifact is correct.. only found these on twitter or other places.. So they are probably a body double

I guess you kinda missed the quote I guess.

Unprecedented Economic Boom​

Still being felt today... Yeah Hate on him... Thats fine too... ITs America I agree you can disagree ... I will still have lunch with you..would you do the same?
also the worst GDP since they kept track the worst unemployment and job loss and stock crashes. lets not forget those.
DavidRvR..... I weigh the same. I didn't like it then and not now. It's easy to say long covid this that and the other. Of course, taking it was a risk, and of course it was not fully tested, but it was tested. The thing is that there is no way governments would debilitate their population, just even as a matter of national security, and this whole question will have been considered in their regular rehearsals. That said, my lungs have something wrong, constantly coughing up phlegm since covid times. On the other hand im alive and could be dead. I did the minimum I felt sensible at the time. But times are different now so I'll avoid it like I avoid even paracetamol.
Here's evidence:
"If the public health professionals, if Dr. Fauci, if the doctors tell us that we should take it, I’ll be the first in line to take it. Absolutely. But if Donald Trump tells us that we should take it, I’m not taking it."
So Joe warns that if Trump says you should take it, HE WILL NOT TAKE IT.
That is actively sowing fear of Trump's rushed vaccines.

Joe would refuse if Trump said to take it.
How would vaccine authorization not be handled by the FDA? Joe was sowing fear and so was Kamala.
Here's evidence:
"If the public health professionals, if Dr. Fauci, if the doctors tell us that we should take it, I’ll be the first in line to take it. Absolutely. But if Donald Trump tells us that we should take it, I’m not taking it."
So Joe warns that if Trump says you should take it, HE WILL NOT TAKE IT.
That is actively sowing fear of Trump's rushed vaccines.

Joe would refuse if Trump said to take it.
How would vaccine authorization not be handled by the FDA? Joe was sowing fear and so was Kamala.
and guess what? trump never told anyone to take it. he could have saved a lot of republican lives if he pushed the vaccine he was so much bragging about. but I have not seen any evidence of people not getting vaccinated because of what the current admin said. but we have seen How what trump said and did effected his party since they suffered far more from covid and they are still dying.
The Biden regime had well over 50% more covid deaths in their first year than the Trump regime did
right because of course trump logic there of course. thats just a pathetic argument that sounds a lot like desperation. because if you look at who died \
Please work a bit harder on your arguments.

More Republicans Died Than Democrats after COVID-19 Vaccines Came Out​

right because of course trump logic there of course. thats just a pathetic argument that sounds a lot like desperation. because if you look at who died \
Please work a bit harder on your arguments.

More Republicans Died Than Democrats after COVID-19 Vaccines Came Out​

So they pushed the fear of the vaccines and both party members died in bigger numbers under Biden. Everything is a "pathetic" argument to a dishonest participant, foofie.
You're wrapped in your dishonesty regarding your loss over "bleach" vs photosensitized disinfectant", so I wouldn't expect better from you on this matter. Then a liar, still a liar.
Cannot admit what happened even on a small issue. Disgusting behavior. Do better.
So they pushed the fear of the vaccines and both party members died in bigger numbers under Biden. Everything is a "pathetic" argument to a dishonest participant, foofie.
You're wrapped in your dishonesty regarding your loss over "bleach" vs photosensitized disinfectant", so I wouldn't expect better from you on this matter. Then a liar, still a liar, presenting dishonest sources, until you change and admit you were completely wrong.
right sure if you say so. I mean thats as real as trumps orange skin. photosensitized disinfectant??? where did that come from? sure not trump your putting words in there that he never said . hell trump could nto say it even with a teleprompter and a years practice. Since trump knows knowing about medicine anyway this is such far reaching its amazing. plus photosensitized disinfectant? is not a actual thing you made it up. photosensitized disinfection is a thing but nothing to do with trump. see nitpicking.
right sure if you say so. I mean thats as real as trumps orange skin. photosensitized disinfectant??? where did that come from? sure not trump your putting words in there that he never said . hell trump could nto say it even with a teleprompter and a years practice. Since trump knows knowing about medicine anyway this is such far reaching its amazing.
Look, even your own dishonest source says this: "While the research doesn’t definitively prove that low vaccine uptake among Republicans explains the mortality gap"
right sure if you say so. I mean thats as real as trumps orange skin. photosensitized disinfectant??? where did that come from? sure not trump your putting words in there that he never said . hell trump could nto say it even with a teleprompter and a years practice. Since trump knows knowing about medicine anyway this is such far reaching its amazing. plus photosensitized disinfectant? is not a actual thing you made it up. photosensitized disinfection is a thing but nothing to do with trump. see nitpicking.
You' just not admitting that you were taken in by dishonest people pushing the "bleach" narrative even after you knew the truth....OR you were lying all along and knew he didn't say "bleach"
Either way you will not admit you lost that round, and so I'm calling you a cheat and a liar.
You' just not admitting that you were taken in by dishonest people pushing the "bleach" narrative even after you knew the truth....OR you were lying all along and knew he didn't say "bleach"
Either way you will not admit you lost that round, and so I'm calling you a cheat and a liar.
Dude It does not matter if someone called it beach verses disinfectant. its not an issue but to you trying to hold onto something. it is stupid bad info either way period. your so nitpicking as is all you have. lets igore all the bad things trump said and did about covid and argue about a word. sure I admit defeat its like arguing with rock. I have seen so much lame crap you post with no real understanding of it. but I have fun playing with you when I am bored. you cant disinfect covid from the inside with disinfectant so it does not matter if people said bleach over disinfectant. well it matters to you but thats kinda sad really.
right sure if you say so. I mean thats as real as trumps orange skin. photosensitized disinfectant??? where did that come from?
From Trump's speech. He asked about disinfectant and strong light. The thing you tried to turn into "injecting bleach, because that is crazy, that is what you and other liars put out, while and the other is a scientific research field.

Your dishonest wriggling and denials do nothing for your case. You were wrong and you dishonestly refuse to admit a simple lost first accusation. See above for post exposing another of your false claims.for another one. Your dishonesty and mindless hysteria is showing - and there's more to be exposed.
yep he finally did it about 6 months later then of course backtracks on it right after he said it I guess you missed that part of it then???
so you had lied again, or were misled again, or were just yammering again, or what?

then of course backtracks on it
liar. he reiterated that it was personal choice, not to be forced, freedom above force. He did not backtrack. Why lie so much? What are you afraid of? Of facing the truth that you've been brainwashed like millions of others?
Why can't you just admit you've been misled or lied to or made up a story on your own?
so you had lied again, or were misled again, or were just yammering again, or what?

liar. he reiterated that it was personal choice, not to be forced, freedom above force. Why lie so much? What are you afraid of? Of facing the truth that you've been brainwashed like millions of others? I love how you fight about the word bleach like its not a disinfectant but yes photosensitized disinfectant like it's actually a real thing.
you really don't do much research do you??? why the f*ck do you think they booed him?? do you think they would have good him if he promoted it??? the one reason he started promoting it is to take the credit. all he did was fund the vaccine it was already in research he did not have a plan do distribute it to get it to people. he waited so long it made his party reject the vaccine.
Former President Donald Trump is ignoring allies' efforts to get him to run a pro-vaccination campaign, partly because he doesn't want to help President Joe Biden, The Daily Beast reported.

Four people who spoke independently to Trump about running a campaign told the outlet that he has shown little interest in doing so.

Some of them suggested that he work with Biden, according to The Daily Beast.

But Trump has said he doesn't want to do any "favors" for Biden and that Biden would have to ask him if he wanted help with anything, the outlet reported, citing its sources.
you really don't do much research do you??? why the f*ck do you think they booed him?? do you think they would have good him if he promoted it??? the one reason he started promoting it is to take the credit. all he did was fund the vaccine it was already in research he did not have a plan do distribute it to get it to people. he waited so long it made his party reject the vaccine.
Former President Donald Trump is ignoring allies' efforts to get him to run a pro-vaccination campaign, partly because he doesn't want to help President Joe Biden, The Daily Beast reported.

Four people who spoke independently to Trump about running a campaign told the outlet that he has shown little interest in doing so.

Some of them suggested that he work with Biden, according to The Daily Beast.

But Trump has said he doesn't want to do any "favors" for Biden and that Biden would have to ask him if he wanted help with anything, the outlet reported, citing its sources.
Some of his supporters boo when he advocates taking the vaccines. Others support vaccines. That means his support can have different opinions and voice them. I think that shows a healthy state rather in contrast to lockstep morons we know and love on the other side who tolerate no dissent on any subject.
Your "evidence" is hearsay by enemies, and glomming onto it like TRUTH , that isn't research, that is gullibility on display.