Trust "The Science"

I love how you post articles you could not begin to understand. The only test done was 5 people. It never went farther. If you read it like u did you would have known that.
You persist in your dishonesty after being shown the truth about your first example. I know more than you do about this, and I provided you with the appropriate info. Try honesty, instead of trying to divert. You were dead wrong and I proved it with references and videos demonstrating how badly you were deceived. AND YOU PROBABLY HAD WATCHED THE ACTUAL TRUMP FOOTAGE > you've been brainwashed.
Seriously foofie..YOUR FIRST EXAMPLE WAS A DISASTER, showing how your mind has been stolen. YOUR FIRST EXAMPLE WENT DOWN LIKE A TON OF BRICKS.
there's no use dishonestly attempting to disparage what I might know AS I DEAL WITH YOUR BRAINWASHED CLAIM like it's a bug crawling around in your skull.
The alternative, at your own insistence, is that he, single-handed, off the top of his head, with a stroke of genius, fathered an entirely original field of medical research...if you prefer to have it all your way, foofie.
man your going on defe ending trump. its sad he is such a patheticpertson who let the pandemic getthew worst in the world. a man who's only priority his himself. you ignorer all and go on about bleach. I have posted hundreds of stupidness trump has said about covid all ignored. I have posted where he claims he he is clairvoyant ignored. He has bragged he is a better president then Abraham Lincoln and George Washington a
he sold these. I love how trump is the hill you wanna die on. it's pretty sad but it is entertaining. We wont eventual about trump being a pathological lair.
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man your going on defe ending trump. its sad he is such a patheticpertson who let the pandemic getthew worst in the world. a man who's only priority his himself. you ignorer all and go on about bleach. I have posted hundreds of stupidness trump has said about covid all ignored. I have posted where he claims he he is clairvoyant ignored. He has bragged he is a better president then Abraham Lincoln and George Washington a
he sold these. I love how trump is the hill you wanna die on. it's pretty sad but it is entertaining. We wont eventual about trump being a pathological lair.
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No, foofie, so far I've only defended the truth against the lies embedded in your brain by Joe Biden and various agencies and media. You yourself even watched Trump say "disinfectant" but the mind control enforced your "bleach" belief.

You now show that you do not resent that you've been outright lied to and your thoughts manipulated.
Is Trump a liar? Of course, as everyone is, if necessary, and as politicians are often exemplars - for any gain however small. The difference is that I try to recognize and admit when someone lies to me no matter which side of which issue.

Won't you even admit the one item now proven, that you've been tricked into disbelieving your own ears and eyes in favor of persistent lies that twist your thoughts?
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man your going on defe ending trump. its sad he is such a patheticpertson who let the pandemic getthew worst in the world. a man who's only priority his himself. you ignorer all and go on about bleach. I have posted hundreds of stupidness trump has said about covid all ignored.
No, foofie, they are not ignored, but are to be settled one by one as you are shown to have swallowed lies that defy your own eyes and ears...and some you may even have correct, and I will readily admit are correct as they may come up.
First things swallowed and repeated a huge lie against what your own eyes and ears told you. You need to admit that much before we move on to your next delusion. Try honesty. Admit your failure on the first item, please.
No, foofie, so far I've only defended the truth against the lies embedded in your brain by Joe Biden and various agencies and media. You yourself even watched Trump say "disinfectant" but the mind control enforced your "bleach" belief.

You now show that you do not resent that you've been outright lied to and your thoughts manipulated.
Is Trump a liar? Of course, as everyone is, if necessary, and as politicians are often exemplars - for any gain however small. The difference is that I try to recognize and admit when someone lies to me no matter which side of which issue.

Won't you even admit the one item now proven, that you've been tricked into disbelieving your own ears and eyes in favor of persistent lies that twist your thoughts?
Dude Bleach or disinfectant does not matter both are equally stupid so stop nitpicking its just pathetic. your trying to justify light and you cant. the one study was only 5 people over year after trump said it. your trying to call other liars while defending the biggest lair in history., the man literally tried to overthrow the election by pathetic lies.
No, foofie, they are not ignored, but are to be settled one by one as you are shown to have swallowed lies that defy your own eyes and ears...and some you may even have correct, and I will readily admit are correct as they may come up.
First things swallowed and repeated a huge lie against what your own eyes and ears told you. You need to admit that much before we move on to your next delusion. Try honesty. Admit your failure on the first item, please.
no your just doing nitpicking so you can feel ok about supporting trump.
Trump is the kid that got caught with his hand in the cookie jar mouth full of cookie cookie crumbs all over his face a cookie in his hand and when you ask him why he is eating cookies he says he does not know what a cookie is. So you go out and max out your credit card buying him cookies tot show him what a cookie is. thats trumps level of lying.
Dude Bleach or disinfectant does not matter both are equally stupid so stop nitpicking its just pathetic. your trying to justify light and you cant. the one study was only 5 people over year after trump said it. your trying to call other liars while defending the biggest lair in history., the man literally tried to overthrow the election by pathetic lies.
The difference is extreme. One will kill you. The other is a range of possible substances being investigated for antiviral therapy. It's not nitpicking. It's showing how you were duped and are now being dishonest and refusing to admit how misled you have been.
You are trying to change the subject to you a long list of other things you're misled on - instead of simply agreeing that you've been misled into a false belief even though you watched the actual event in the news videos.
I will not not proceed to disprove your long list of delusions, as you simply are too dishonest to admit even one loss. Nope, you're simply a dishonest player.
The scientists are researching photosensitized disinfectants, not bleach.
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The difference is extreme. One will kill you. The other is a range of possible substances being investigated for antiviral therapy. It's not nitpicking. It's showing how you were duped and are now being dishonest and refusing to admit how misled you have been.
You are trying to change the subject to you a long list of other things you're misled on - instead of simply agreeing that you've been misled into a false belief even though you watched the actual event in the news videos.
I will not not proceed to disprove your long list of delusions, as you simply are too dishonest to admit even one loss.
Dude no one was duped but his followers I listened to his stupidity over and over and over again. The results were we had the worst pandemic in the world bar none. its that simple. you can nitpick all you want but it does not justify the president of the united states saying such stupid things about the pandemic. I watched the event I watched trump say so many stupid things over and over. I watched him demand praise over and over again watched his doc want to crawl in a hole when he said it. I spent way to much of my life watching Him blatantly lie and say stupid s*it. I watched him try to overthrow the election too. He is a piece of s*it that only cares about himself and if you want to defend him then thats on you period. the thing is you don't actually read what I post or the links you post.
I watched trump so much it was so bad the stupid the demand for praise then threats of withholding support if he was not praised the bragging over stuff that he failed on it was so bad. he helped America fail the pandemic like no other. it was all about him and how great the thought he was. I watched so many hours of it. did you??? the man literally put a dog breeder and his son in law in charge of the worst pandemic in recent history.
this is one of his recent posts. the guy said he was clairvoyant. well if he was he was the worst person the world at it.
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Take the time to listen to Faucci... He talked out of the sides of his mouth... Couldnt get a straight answer and continually lied... Faucci was in charge.. Listen to Dr Brixx or better yet.. read how she lied to Trump and the public... Again she and Faucci were in charge...They sabotaged everything and once they figured out how to control the world... It was off to the races. Fear is a great motivator. Believe it or not Trump had some ideas and said things that did come true..

Now I dont agree with him on some things... Everone missed the meat under the gravy because of the smell in the kitchen.. Blinded by the dislike (which is fine) but its hard for you to be honest and give credit where credit is due.. I agree he isnt perfect by a long shot... Look around.. Not sure about you but I was in a better spot when he was in charge... Every country should pay their fair share on what they agreed to pay for... They have been ripping America off for years...China is a prime example... Whats wrong with Americans First? Would you rather feed a Ukranian before your family? That is what they have been doing around the world.

Take a few minutes and read.... Again you do not have to like the guy.. or anyone to agree he was good for America in some areas.. IF you are Honest..
Trump Administration Accomplishments

Trump Administration Accomplishments​

Unprecedented Economic Boom​

Still being felt today... Yeah Hate on him... Thats fine too... ITs America I agree you can disagree ... I will still have lunch with you..would you do the same?
You were duped into believing he said injecting bleach - even after you witnessed the truth with your own eyes and ears. You cannot distract from the necessity of admitting your first loss by pointing to how many other things you stupidly believe.
I can point out,for example that Biden put out scare stories against trusting the vaccines and so did Kamala, and their admin therefor was responsible for, under your characterization, many many more covid deaths than was the Trump admin. But you're too deluded and then too dishonest to admit even the numbers.
Funny you missed they I was payed what you did. But guess what it went no where. But I posted hundreds of trumps lies. Don’t be silly we know how UV light works outside the body. Your just getting desperate now.
Really? I feel I am reaching lol? Ummm ok...but wow...Im at a loss in our discussion now.. Seems we have reached bottom... but I guesss we have nowhere to go but up from here... I feel I might have lost a couple of my phrases in my vocabulary (which is already small).

I try not to look Dumb so I provide links ..been wrong though before and smart enough to admit when it happens.

Ultraviolet Blood Treatment
Ultraviolet Blood Treatment is a simple intravenous therapy in which a small amount of blood is drawn from a patient’s body through an ultraviolet light emitting machine and then reintroduced to their system. The UV light acts as a cell cleanser killing bacteria and viruses in the bloodstream.
You were duped into believing he said injecting bleach - even after you witnessed the truth with your own eyes and ears. You cannot distract from the necessity of admitting your first loss by pointing to how many other things you stupidly believe.
Dude stop it I watched the video live I know what he said and wow stupid it was. it was typical trump stupid speak.
Ultraviolet Blood Treatment
Ultraviolet Blood Treatment is a simple intravenous therapy in which a small amount of blood is drawn from a patient’s body through an ultraviolet light emitting machine and then reintroduced to their system. The UV light acts as a cell cleanser killing bacteria and viruses in the bloodstream.
funny thats not pumping light into the body now is it? your pulling crap out to prove crap talk.
I can point out,for example that Biden put out scare stories against trusting the vaccines and so did Kamala, and their admin therefor was responsible for, under your characterization, many many more covid deaths than was the Trump admin. But you're too deluded and then too dishonest to admit even the numbers.
no they did not.

Biden, Harris distrusted Trump with COVID-19 vaccines, not the vaccines themselves​

no they did not.

Biden, Harris distrusted Trump with COVID-19 vaccines, not the vaccines themselves​

They certainly did put out scare stories about "Trump's rushed vaccines". They said the agencies might even skip safety steps. Joe challenged who would put up their hand and volunteer to take one.
The poor wife must be deceived daily. Disgusting dishonesty, displayed here, for little reason.
funny thats not pumping light into the body now is it? your pulling crap out to prove crap talk.
Sorry I misread it. The rest still stands... Told you I would admit it.. Still waiting on others.. Won't my breath though
no they did not.

Biden, Harris distrusted Trump with COVID-19 vaccines, not the vaccines themselves​

Politifact is correct.. only found these on twitter or other places.. So they are probably a body double

Dude stop it I watched the video live I know what he said and wow stupid it was. it was typical trump stupid speak.
You watched with your own eyes and heard with your own ears and yet believed he said "bleach" because you were force-fed that. What a deluded dishonest soul.
And the scientists are stupid for researching it. What a loon.