Well, he didn't actually call me a liar. Thanks though!
I'm all for them doing their thing as far as the mild stuff. mocking or name calling. That might be a healthy release for them.
It's an hysterical mentality that has been seeded into them by decades of word trickery. Words are tricky. Normal people easily fall prey.
Example: global warming.
It becomes symbolized by CO2 emissions causing warming effect.
Even if temperatures go down, and for however long, it is still warming. They will say because the effect continues always while the CO2 is increasing. So it's still global warming either way the thermometers go.
That kind of mind melting logic has been done and done to them.
At this point they say that melting ice is a sign of global warming.
They have forgotten that "warm" does not mean "warming"
They cannot connect to the memory that if you take something out of the freezer to defrost overnight, it melts even if the room temperature goes down overnight.
So it gets very messy upstairs for them, if you know what I mean

It's very difficult to sort out once you've bought in or even if you resist. The climate science language is a beauty of deceit. It's highly skilled psych, really.
Then they can spring it again to churn the brainmush: "emissions caused 150% of the observed global warming".
"other factors were cooling at the same time"
They have a heavy load...
...so they beg to be charged extra.