Trouble shooting Ecotric S900 monitor


New Member
I am new to the eco bike scene. I’ve only had my new Ecotric Leopard for a couple of days and what I’ve noticed is the S900 monitor only shows one bar when I have a fully charged battery. I took and 11 mike ride today and the battery indicator jumped between one and zero bars. When I complete my ride I took the battery off and check the indicator in the battery itself and it showed I used only 25% of the charge. I waited 30 minutes and plugged it into the charger and within 30-4o minutes it was full charged. I then put it back on the bike and fired up the monitor and it showed only one bar.
My question is can the S900 monitor be reprogrammed or do I need a whole new monitor?
What voltage is the Leopard? Is the S900 set to that voltage? I don't have an S900, but many monitors require you to set the battery voltage in the setup parameters.
Thanks for your reply HarryS,

Sandy from the Ecotric team emailed me. It was like you mentioned, the setting was off. I had to reprogram it to 36, it was set to 48. Once I reprogramed it all is good.
