Tried a ride today on private land using just a throttle

BTW heaps of ebike sold in AU have throttles and they are allowed to 6klm/h which is the same as walk mode.

If you are talking about on-road please do share the relevant regulations and/or Acts which state this .... There is nothing I can find in the Western Australian laws which support this view.
I'm saying they sell them go look in any LBS eg; my trike has compliance stickers on it and the throttle is/was set to 6 kph. I dont require legislation quoting when i own several PEV and see them sold in lots of places.
Read away still makes no difference and i dont live in WA. "At speeds up to 6km/h, the electric motor can operate without you pedalling. The motor can help you when you first take off."
I quoted QLD laws above which are different.
Blah blah i know what you can/cant do here in QLD i could almost quote it verbatim but you required a link so i gave it.
I also dont wear a helmet and in almost 5 yrs of riding every type of PEV i have only ever been asked 2 times why i'm not wearing a helmet, that's easy i have a medical exemption.

"BTW, road traffic laws and associated regulations are in the main uniform across Australia" far from it.....i am done with you go live in your 'i obey all rules' world.
I'm saying they sell them go look in any LBS eg; my trike has compliance stickers on it and the throttle is/was set to 6 kph. I dont require legislation quoting when i own several PEV and see them sold in lots of places.
Thanks for sharing ... I asked as I could not find anything relevant in WA laws as I sated, so thanks for adding to my knowledge; however, I think you missed this part:

At speeds above 6km/h, you must pedal to keep the bicycle moving with the motor providing pedal-assist only.
Bla bla bla, bla f*ckiń bla.. With all the bullshit in the world this is what you people worry about?
No policeman is going to waste his time with this bullshit unless you are doing something reckless.
Ride respectfully and you're invisible.
I quoted QLD laws above which are different.
Blah blah i know what you can/cant do here in QLD i could almost quote it verbatim but you required a link so i gave it.
I also dont wear a helmet and in almost 5 yrs of riding every type of PEV i have only ever been asked 2 times why i'm not wearing a helmet, that's easy i have a medical exemption.

"BTW, road traffic laws and associated regulations are in the main uniform across Australia" far from it.....i am done with you go live in your 'i obey all rules' world.

There is no need to get agro ... please read what I actually said ... I was seeking more information, and yes, I have years of training to always to go back to the source, and for good reason. From your source:

You propel an electric bike through pedalling with assistance from the motor. The motor is used to help you maintain speed while riding, and may be helpful when riding uphill or against the wind.

At speeds up to 6km/h, the electric motor can operate without you pedalling. The motor can help you when you first take off.

At speeds above 6km/h, you must pedal to keep the bicycle moving with the motor providing pedal-assist only.

When you reach a speed of 25km/h the motor must stop operating (cut out) and you need to pedal to stay above 25km/h like a bicycle.

Have a nice weekend.
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It is interesting that Queensland laws limit the motor to 200 W while the regular Euro e-bikes that are used in Australia are limited to 250 W nominal :)
It is interesting that Queensland laws limit the motor to 200 W while the regular Euro e-bikes that are used in Australia are limited to 250 W nominal :)
Queensland and some (maybe all states?) allow for 200-watt pedal-assist bicycles. I am not sure how common these are.

Pedelecs (250 watts, assist has to cut out at 25 km/h) have to comply with the European Standard for Power Assisted Pedal Cycles (EN15194).

NSW, since 2023, has allowed for 500-watt e-bikes to be ridden on roads, but again, the assistance has to cut out at 25 km/h. This change has apparently created some discussion. That said 500 watt (hub only?) motors are available here ostensibly for off-road use,