At the same inflation pressure, a wide and a narrow tire have the same contact area...
I've never seen a wide tire rated anywhere near the pressure of a narrow tire. How is this a logical comparison? 45 vs 65 or even 120 PSI for example. The second reference even suggest lowering air pressure will reduce rolling resistance;
Because the internal friction and hysteresis within the tire’s materials will be lower, and because the surface imperfections in the road will be absorbed into the tire more easily...
Unfortunately this experiment also uses equal tire pressure (and materials) nullifying the results.
In my daily ride I'm often alongside road bikes on a big descent, I've learned to let them go first as my 2.2" tires will roll much slower, even while pedaling under power. A courageous roadie will reach 37 mph in a tuck (no pedaling) on this 400 foot slope, while I can barely keep up pedaling my arse off in unlocked turbo mode, also tucked. Of course I catch them on the flats and next climb.
While I don't doubt the science, I don't think the parameters reconcile with everyday real World experience. -S