Thule Easy Fold XT

I love my Thule easy fold xt. I have taken 2 Ebikes from Midwest to southwest Florida and back for three straight years and will soon be doing it again.
I'm considering buying two Pedego Boomerang e-bikes. Is there any issue with two bikes contacting each other with this rack? It appears they sit close to each other. On my existing regular style bikes I always remove the seat/seat post when putting them on a rack. Thanks in advance for any and all advice.
I'm considering buying two Pedego Boomerang e-bikes. Is there any issue with two bikes contacting each other with this rack? It appears they sit close to each other. On my existing regular style bikes I always remove the seat/seat post when putting them on a rack. Thanks in advance for any and all advice.
Many different combinations of bikes on the Easyfold over three years and never any contact problems. Not even an issue.
I test fit my Fatbike recently and the wheelstraps are not long enough unless i deflate both tyres.
With my wifes smaller bike mounted I have to undo the handlebars and secure them to bike frame or they hit rear door of RAV4.
Its only the first test fit so there maybe other configs i can use but those wheelstraps will never be longer.
I test fit my Fatbike recently and the wheelstraps are not long enough unless i deflate both tyres.
With my wifes smaller bike mounted I have to undo the handlebars and secure them to bike frame or they hit rear door of RAV4.
Its only the first test fit so there maybe other configs i can use but those wheelstraps will never be longer.
thule makes longer straps for fatter tires