You are correct. Their mini bag is a 9.5L bag (vs 17-23L for their regular bag), and it will ONLY fit their smaller clamp style seat-post rack IB-RA6 (a clip-on base length of 10.5" for the mini bag vs 15" for their regular bag). The clamp style seat-post racks attach higher up than a regular rack. I use the regular disc-brake friendly IB-RA5 rack on 3 of our bikes adjusted to mount as close as it will go to the tire/fender. The 2 pictures below is the seatpost IB-RA6 rack with the mini bag, and the other the IB-RA5 rack (which I have) for any 26-29" disc brake friendly bikes/ebikes for their regular size bags. There is also the IB-RA1 clamp style seat-post rack that also fits their regular size bags. I got this one (IB-RA1) for the wife's step through Haibike/Yamaha Sduro ebike that came with a haibike rack, which she uses when she wants to mount her Ortlieb panniers, but she could not also use it for her ibera bag. You may think it might look weird but it actually mounts exactly parallel to the haibike rack and only cost $15 (it was a "used-like new" Amazon warehouse price; normally is $28 I think) for her to reuse her $60 ibera bag. It would have cost more than $15 to get a new bag just for the Haibike rack (plus I found that the choices out there were not as good for the Haibike clip system vs the Ibera one, plus she could not use it with any of our other bikes). BTW, with the Ibera mini bag you only get one choice for a rack and it's a seat-post one at that. That may make sense for someone who wants to carry a smaller/lighter bag but with any seatpost rack/bag you will have issues with mount/dismount if you don't have a step through bike.I didn’t think the mini bag would fit my rack. Seems I read it wouldn’t or I definitely would have bought it.
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