Throttles and California

An interesting British view on e-bikes. Whenever these guys mention the speed, it is km/h unless explicitly stated "mph".
Refreshingly thoughtful discussion of a very complex modern problem with no easy solutions.

Si admitted that the 35 kph = 22 mph he was doing on his "quiet" MUP would be too fast on a more congested MUP. But here in coastal SoCal, it would be too fast on nearly all of them, ebike or otherwise. Too many entrances, blind curves, and oblivious users of all kinds — including other cyclists.

On a scale of 0 to 10, the average MUP user here has a situational awareness of 2, and that drops to 0 when they're talking.
It runs much deeper than that Stefan. The BBC Adrian Childs Panorama doc was a travesty. I officially complained to the beeb. Lot of good it will do of course... The program was full of hysteria and disinformation and every cycling group in UK is up in arms about it. Unfortunately the BBC has a real anti bike bias. Has for years but like everything it's become worse - a casualty with these soul destroying bonkers culture wars of our times. The Daily Mail has led the attack on bikes (all bikes) in their really vicious way, with years of anti bikes opinion pieces that for example scream about cyclists not paying road tax (abolished in 1936 but hey why tell the truth?) This gets me shouted at by angry drivers "Pay your fucking road tax". This Panorama program is so infuriating because they never asked anybody official from the ebike world to show a balanced side. And they never explained the difference between legal and illegal bikes so painted a picture that all e bikes were motorbikes in disguise, very dangerous and could catch fire etc etc. They didn't even explain the law as it stands. If it had been a youtube daily mail/daily telegraph or The Sun home made show I'd have expected such a hatchet job but the BBC, (Auntie!) and Panorama itself a long running established and prestigious documentary program should have been neutral or made clear the show was just about illegal ebikes/motorbikes. I'd love to know who commissioned it and what the pre prod meetings were like. Such blatant anti bike propaganda.
Its the BBC, the propaganda dept for the old boys club and now they are adding the licence fee to general taxation so we cant even opt of paying for it.
Panorama is just a hit job show for whoever displeases the state.
I presume they are massaging the brains of the masses for ebike insurance and, maybe even ordinary bikes.
We now have some kind of robot enforcer running the country who cant even be seen in public without being chased by a howling mob, so anything is on the table.
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Yes, private companies compile a list of convention, most of them actually disclaimer that on the front page, there is no 'official' dictionary.
I wanted to write a controversial thing (or two) here but bit my fingers :)
I think the failure to teach cursive writing is appalling. The inability to be able to read these historic documents is a crying shame.

Somehow, a printed note or email to a loved one does not convey the sentiment of the act. Emoji's or not, it just isn't the same.