Throttle and pedal assist stopped on my CCS. Eeek!


New Member
I replaced the display on my CCS (was vandalized/ripped completely off two weeks ago). Juiced sent a replacement which I've installed. All was well and good for a few days, then took the bike out today and the power cut out (both throttle and pedal assist). Can't seem to get the bike going at all now. I'm thinking the 1-4 wire harness might be damaged from the incident a few weeks back and that too needs replacing but I'm not completely sure. Tried giggling the wire harness, it worked for a few seconds then stopped and, as stated, haven't been able to get it going since. I ordered a new harness, but was wondering if anyone had some insight into what - if anything else - that could be causing the issue. (BTW I checked all the connections and they seemed good). I'm fearful of replacing the harness and it still not working. Thanks in advance!