Thoughts on LED spoke lights

Many of the concerts in the the area I grew up in used a light show named 'Ectoplasmic Assault'. I always thought that was a cool name.
Those really were the days. Concerts tickets were cheap. You just massed down on the floor right up front if that's where you wanted to stand. Today's concerts are BS. Money for concerts was pretty much pocket-change even though our working wages were a fraction of what they are now. I paid $5 to see my first 'big venue' concert. I paid less than one hour's wages to see Led Zeppelin in 1977. CN
That sounds about right... I remember the cheap tickets and shows.

I think the Ectoplasmic Assault light show was colored oil and water projection?
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Anyone know if the folks at MonkeyLectric are alive? I’ve sent in requests for their m232R and Monkey Light Pro. Sourcing from Amazon is non-existent except for used units on eBay.....
Anyone know if the folks at MonkeyLectric are alive? I’ve sent in requests for their m232R and Monkey Light Pro. Sourcing from Amazon is non-existent except for used units on eBay.....
no they are gone. seems the quality went down the last ones I bought I had two return two or three of them.
Huh, thats poop...I really liked their automatic light model, Im still using it.
ya I had those not work right they would not stay on or would only stay on. I have two now that work well. I just sold the two big ones because I would forget to turn them on.
So that leaves Fantasma Owl, Swagtron and the FTH FH-801pro (relabeled as ZHURGN, GMXWD, YEUNG and Kariwell).

With a fat IGH, I believe that leaves Fantasma Owl (20inch 24/26inch and 700cc/27.5flavors). Can sync x3-x4 units for better low speed display; but needs a magnet....

Anyone have good/bad experiences???
As someone who rides at night in a big city, LED spoke lights are intriguing. How much weight to they add? What about reliability and brightness? If anyone has thoughts or suggestions they would be appreciated. Thanks!
I would only say it’s worth it from a safety standpoint to be more visible to vehicles.

Other than that aesthetically it’s not my cup of tea nor would I recommend it unless for the aforementioned reason.

Weight issues would depend on the led bulbs used but I think it wouldn’t be more than 5-700 grams total.
So that leaves Fantasma Owl, Swagtron and the FTH FH-801pro (relabeled as ZHURGN, GMXWD, YEUNG and Kariwell).

With a fat IGH, I believe that leaves Fantasma Owl (20inch 24/26inch and 700cc/27.5flavors). Can sync x3-x4 units for better low speed display; but needs a magnet....

Anyone have good/bad experiences???
Fantasma Owl LEDs SW only comes on CD.... (just returned x4 pairs!)

I wish Monkey was still alive....
Many of the concerts in the the area I grew up in used a light show named 'Ectoplasmic Assault'. I always thought that was a cool name.
Those really were the days. Concerts tickets were cheap. You just massed down on the floor right up front if that's where you wanted to stand. Today's concerts are BS. Money for concerts was pretty much pocket-change even though our working wages were a fraction of what they are now. I paid $5 to see my first 'big venue' concert. I paid less than one hour's wages to see Led Zeppelin in 1977. CN
If you reverse all of the wires on your EBike,add an edible and repeat the Mantra “Dancing Days are Here Again” you may get back there! Don’t forget your lock!!!! Cheers -


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So far in this rabbit hole, I have found the FTL (or relabels!) FH-801Pro w/ 416 leds makes the most sense. But again, max hub diameter is 50mm.... (make sure it is Pro model!!!)

There are a ton of videos on how to setup, install, configure and use the thing! If daring Alibaba has it for lowest cost. Also works on Win 10. Biggest complaint is that the 18650 batteries are often removed or missing....

Once I get my bike (Watt Wagons Hydra XL) I will measure and see what I can do with the 26fat and 29er wheel builds. Pimp my ride for the night....

FWIIW- Agile Tec replied after issuing a RMA for the Fantasma Owl LEDs offering a Google drive to share the CD contents. Too late...
So let’s allow this plot to thin….

So far in this rabbit-hole I purchased and returned Fantasma Owl (unable to install SW) units. Next up were the FH801PRO 416 leds. I bought Lixada labeled units through WallyWorld and got them in less than 2 weeks. Product was clearly opened and the battery was removed. But I have a rather large pile of 1.1Ah 18650 cells that will work (bought new wrappers for them). The device wants button tops but I spot welded some tops and they work nicely. This unit allows charging via USB port so the batteries never need to be removed….

As mentioned before, this unit is limited to hub size (50-65mm?). But if you are handy, the cables to each wing/leg are capable to be spliced.

The SW comes installed on a 4G microSD card and comes with a USB reader. Do not think a bigger card will hold more stuff (2G are big enough!). The PRO system is capable of less than 2048 frames. If you get cryptic errors when downloading, this is more than likely your issue. Reduce to less than 2048 frames and try again (number of frames is not known until download). The tool is not very smart, but does come with a CODEC to deal with most formats. HOWEVER, either use the SW on a blank Virtual Machine or an old computer you don’t care about and remove all connections to the outside world and SneakerNet your files in. The reason for this caution is I installed the tool on my company computer and got a call from our IT department to schedule a removal…. (Set off our corporate IT alarms!)

You can only save files to SD cards. So use a thumb drive to SneakerNet the files and save your work. You can’t really edit your work other than delete and rearrange them….

The tool is very caveman like and could use an update, but it does work! I found bright colors are the most fun. Video is not what I wanted but meh….

Since we are in a fireworks restricted area, I loaded it up with fireworks and trippy GIFs, MPG4 and other things I thought would be fun. July 4th evening, I rode up and down our streets. The cheers from my wife and daughters brought out other neighborhoods into a fun impromptu party. Was good to see them after more than a year…

Will try to add video later….
My wife and I stopped by a local bicycle shop this evening and I was looking at some spoke lights.

Some are rechargeable with a USB cable.

Can anybody here recommend any rechargeable bike wheel lights that they have experience with?