This is a cool bike

Yes it is a cool bike. I started researching it about a month ago. Since I live five miles from the Juiced Riders warehouse, I called Tora and asked if I could come down and take a look at them. He said of course, so the next day I went there thinking I was just going to talk to him and look at the bikes up close. I got to look at them alright, but Tora also gave me a brief tour of his warehouse, a detailed explanation on how the bike and battery work and a little bit of history on Juiced Riders. Then he pulled out a bike for me and took me on a joy ride. It's quick and powerful. We did a steep hill from a dead stop just to demonstrate just how powerful the 48 V/23 Ah battery is. I'm 6'4" and weigh 230 lbs., but the bike took me up the hill--with minor pedal assist--with no problems.

The seat height gives me enough leg room, and the handlebars were comfortable. I don't have any complaints about the bike, so I'm sold on it. What I had originally planned to do was wait for the 48 V/32 Ah battery to arrive in September, but Tora said there will be a limited supply of those for a time. So, my current plan is to buy the 48 V/23 Ah version (just as soon as I've saved up enough funds). I'll ride around on it awhile and get a better feel for whether or not I really need the larger battery. If so, I can always buy the larger battery and swap it out. Tora said all the batteries are interchangeable. Unless I decide I need to go into the pizza delivery or messenger bike business, I think I'm going to be perfectly satisfied with the 48 V/23 Ah battery.

Juiced Riders makes a front basket that I'm going to get as well. It's $179 bucks, but man it's built like the face mask on a football helmet. I like one of the rear storage buckets that JR sells, but I think I'm going to pick-up the 1392 "Woody" front rack made by Wald. Although it was designed to go on the front, I saw where a guy mounted it on the rear of the ODK utilizing that multi-purpose, heavy duty rear rack the bike was designed with.

I hope to get mine by the end of the month, or maybe early July. I told Tora I would come down and pick it up, but he said he'd deliver it to me personally. How's that for customer service? In reality though, custom delivery would take all the fun out of it. So, thank you for offering, Tora, but I'll ride instead.

As you can tell, I can't wait. I'll update this forum when I do.
I hope to get the 32Ah model, because I don't own a car anymore, and that model strikes me as a "true car replacement." I'm willing to wait until they're available up here in Portland, Oregon. I'm visualizing a black Juiced Riders ODK U500 V3 as hauling me and my tent camping gear out on some of our beautiful forest and meadowland bike trails to do some Fall camping! I'll let you know how it is.
Well, since I wrote my last post I checked with Tora on the availability of 48V/23Ah batteries. He said that they had sold out of everything at the Juiced Riders warehouse in Chula Vista, and won't have any new shipments in until sometime in September when the new 48V/32Ah batteries are supposed to arrive. So that means if I wanted to buy an ODK V3 today, I'd have to find it at one of the dealers in California. That's OK, I'll just wait until September and buy directly from Juiced Riders. I'm undecided about which color I'd like best, but to tell the truth, it doesn't matter; I just want one bad enough that I can taste it.
Well, since I wrote my last post I checked with Tora on the availability of 48V/23Ah batteries. He said that they had sold out of everything at the Juiced Riders warehouse in Chula Vista, and won't have any new shipments in until sometime in September when the new 48V/32Ah batteries are supposed to arrive. So that means if I wanted to buy an ODK V3 today, I'd have to find it at one of the dealers in California. That's OK, I'll just wait until September and buy directly from Juiced Riders. I'm undecided about which color I'd like best, but to tell the truth, it doesn't matter; I just want one bad enough that I can taste it.

48V, 32Ah bike WILL be a true car replacement. I'm getting one as well :)
I really like the cruise control on these bikes.
I really like this bike. I want one.

I am a little challenged with the price when compared to the izip Metro.

I continue to ponder it...
....Hi: I want one too, but the price makes me step back a little. I'm pondering wether I want to empty my personal accounts for an E-Bike ??
Yeah, the ODK version 3 can set you back a bit. I've been saving for mine since May. I've got another two months to go, barring any catastrophes, before I'll actually have enough to make my bid. But once I do, I think the only time I'll need to use my car is once every couple of weeks to take my mother on her errands. And since it doesn't rain in Southern California any more (usually) I'll be biking most of the year. That oughta put a huge dent in my auto maintenance/gas budget.
....Hi: I want one too, but the price makes me step back a little. I'm pondering wether I want to empty my personal accounts for an E-Bike ??

Yeah, I know what you mean. I've been saving my cash since May. I should have enough to put in my bid at the end of September. I figure I won't need my car except every other week when I take my mom on her errands. And since it doesn't rain in Southern California anymore (usually), I think I'll be able to get away with the bike as my primary mode of transportation all year long.
Hey Wait a minute ? Where the heck did my post go ?

EDIT: Ooops ! Sorry Folks ! My Bad !! The so called missing post is in the other thread. My apologies for the misunderstanding on my part. Very sorry about this.
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Hi Jim:
In my best estimation the ODK Version 3 is the a great example of how well the new Bafang 500 Watt Hub motor can do if properly implemented with the right bike frame and good controller. I predict this street cargo carrying E-Bike will set the new standard for performance and dependability in an E-Bike. Imagine ? a 500 Watt E-bike which goes up hills carrying a load ? I guess such performance can only come at a price ?
Well, the Rabbit finally hopped off the fence, and yesterday plunked down a preorder deposit on a 2015 model Juiced Riders 23Ah v3! I am so excited now. Boy! I can hardly wait. For a while I was pretty convinced that I needed the biggest battery pack option, but for the kind of riding I'll do most of the time, I honestly need to spend my money on other priorities. I think for the time being, the 23Ah will be more than adequate for me. And by the time my 23Ah battery pack reaches the end of it's service life, I can only imagine what tremendous new breakthroughs in battery technology will have come to market, and at lower prices than before. Of course, I'm being optimistic and ruling out apocalyptic events. So, my fantastic, authorized Juiced Riders dealer Wake, at the E-Bike Store in PDX said he'd call me tomorrow and give me a timeline on my order. I'll keep you all posted.
That's terrific Ravi! Speaking of Interbike 2015, any idea why Juiced Riders doesn't seem to be on the list of exhibitors this year? I'm referring to the list at:
Just curious.

Interbike floor-plan should be updated in few weeks when some of the European vendors confirm their participation.
I spoke to Tora two weeks ago while placing my order for the 32Ah version and I was told that they will be attending this Interbike. I go to Interbike is to meet people like Tora. So, that was one thing I asked him on the phone :)
Hi Jim:
In my best estimation the ODK Version 3 is the a great example of how well the new Bafang 500 Watt Hub motor can do if properly implemented with the right bike frame and good controller. I predict this street cargo carrying E-Bike will set the new standard for performance and dependability in an E-Bike. Imagine ? a 500 Watt E-bike which goes up hills carrying a load ? I guess such performance can only come at a price ?
Hey Mark,

I agree with you on all counts. I think the ODK is the underrated, little known ugly duckling in the world of fancy-schmansy e-bikes; but as more of them hit the road, and certainly after performance news of the 32Ah battery gets out there, the guys at Juiced Riders are going to need a "bigger boat," as it were, in order to keep up with the demand.

She sure is a lovely "ugly duckling," isn't she Jim? Yes, I entirely agree with all you have forecast!
ml_odk_041315_sml.jpg Hi Guys! I'm so happy to have found this forum. I love my ODK 500, but I am feeling pretty lonely out here in Massachusetts... I haven't met anyone here, outside of a bike store, who even knows what a cargo bike is. I did a fair amount of research and talked to Tora via email before placing my order. My car had died last March and I decided to replace it with the 23 ah ODK 500. The photo is of me on my way to work last April. Since the picture was taken, I have added the JR front basket and a back rack basket by Basil. Today I ordered the dual kickstand to help stabilize the bike when it is loaded with my groceries.

For me, buying the bike seemed a no-brainer. When I was commuting 10 miles round trip, I figured it saved me at least $5 per day. I am currently working PT from home; now it's great for groceries and other errands, plus just getting out and enjoying a ride. I would love to find someone else with an electric bike for pleasure riding company.

Even though the bike was an easy choice for me, switching from a car to a cargo bike had some issues. Commuting by bike is not common here, and most friends had endless questions and made dire predictions about my safety. Some said I would certainly be smooshed. A work friend who is an ex-cop told me not to buy an electric bicycle; when I did, he was very angry and ridiculed me at length. My husband was initially upset about the price. It costs less than 2o¢ to charge the ODK. How can it not be a good investment?

Anyway, I am loving the bike and DH often rides it for errands now, too.