The Queen passed away

A little off topic, but I love history and have enjoyed the 1st two installments of "The Boelyns, A Scandalous Family" on PBS. It comes on Sunday nights at 9pm PST. God save the King :)
I've enjoyed many of the programs of Masterpiece (Theater). The period dramas are particularly well done. I have noticed modern sensibilities have crept into many storylines, making them less historically correct. Still, hopefully that will foster a curiosity of history.
“Princess Auto Mechanic"

Yes, an auto mechanic. She loved land rovers, discussed their engines. That told me a lot about her. I reckon we'd have really got along. I'm sad, I think she was ok. I heard she was out with her gamekeeper is Scotland, just walking, and at a picnic bench place, it was no one around sort of thing, a Canadian couple were walking and they all sort of got talking as you do when there is only the four of you. They asked if she came to Scotland a lot, and she said 'I live here, since i was a little girl.' 'Oh, you must have seen the Queen?' 'Well, I haven 't myself, but John here has seen her lots of times' 'What's she like?' 'A bit cantankerous sometimes', he joked. And this couple ignored the Queen and talked to John about her. Then then asked the Queen to take a photo of John and them, so she did, and then John took the camera to make sure they also got one with the Queen. Afterwards they were laughing thinking of when they discover the truth. Great story. I reckon she was really sound.
Yes, an auto mechanic. She loved land rovers, discussed their engines. That told me a lot about her. I reckon we'd have really got along. I'm sad, I think she was ok. I heard she was out with her gamekeeper is Scotland, just walking, and at a picnic bench place, it was no one around sort of thing, a Canadian couple were walking and they all sort of got talking as you do when there is only the four of you. They asked if she came to Scotland a lot, and she said 'I live here, since i was a little girl.' 'Oh, you must have seen the Queen?' 'Well, I haven 't myself, but John here has seen her lots of times' 'What's she like?' 'A bit cantankerous sometimes', he joked. And this couple ignored the Queen and talked to John about her. Then then asked the Queen to take a photo of John and them, so she did, and then John took the camera to make sure they also got one with the Queen. Afterwards they were laughing thinking of when they discover the truth. Great story. I reckon she was really sound.
I commend you for producing the most un-addled post you've made on the forum thus far, duggie.
I was 35 when I took my first full-time year-round job. No apologies. If I hadn't I would have missed the incredibly full life I'd lived. I watched my uncles die and "wished I had...". We do stuff backward. We wait till our bodies are declining to finally step back take a deep breath and enjoy.

But we're DINKS. Double Income No KidS
How did you get by ? Were you a Trustifarian ?
Have you seen the video of King Jimmy Saville's Best Friend furious and seething at the underlings for not moving quickly enough to serve his every movement as he signed himself in as King?
We are currently touring in Ireland where we are were surprised to hear among the natives of no love or respect lost for the death of a 96 year old lady. Nor much interest in the old guy who finally got a job. Although this is in the Republic of Ireland. Attitudes are said to be different in Northern Ireland.
I commend you for producing the most un-addled post you've made on the forum thus far, duggie.
Well, light and shade. Sensible is great, but needs the anarchic fun balance, I think, that's all it is, balance, hopefully in that way well balanced and a pleasure to be around, I'd hope. But she really was rover engines and all through her life.......sound as a pound (well, not so recently with it falling so much, ha ha). I'm sad I never met her. I serious;ly once considered offering to make her some jewellery. I had this idea for a broach with black diamonds. But I, well, was just too early in my career for such a thing, but now i realize she would have understood and been ok. So sad
Re the Irish question on this thread, historically England had no choice but to secure Ireland from a possible invasion ground, re French and Spanish wars in past times as they couldn't fight wars on too many fronts. But now things are different and I think England doesn't need that situation, but that is how it came to be, because of England's position, globally, hundreds of years was just pragmatic, if not so well administered. The US today has this's tough thinking of the big picture and the responsible distant future. Let's hope it can all be healed re Ireland now.
Have you seen the video of King Jimmy Saville's Best Friend furious and seething at the underlings for not moving quickly enough to serve his every movement as he signed himself in as King?
No, I don't want to at all in the slightest. Horrible and too sick.
Let's change the subject
Some newspaper reporters once discovered that Bobby wasn't actually the singer, just miming, and confronted him, and he said 'So, who gives a s*it'. What a great reply. Rest in peace, Bobby, thanks.
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