I live in Northern California (Bay Area). After much research and testing, I purchased a Vado 3.0. Two different samples I tested were able to achieve 26 mph powered. I checked with 2 different salesmen who confirmed this was how they were being delivered and that specialized had changed them from the previous max of 20 mph. I purchased the bike and confirmed that is the case. In Turbo mode I can achieve a little over 26 mph before the powers cuts out. So I’m puzzled by the comment that after updating the firmware to US specs, the bike can only do 20 mph.
What worries me is that after reading the comments here I realized my bike is in demo mode, as it starts In turbo mode, lights off, and I have to reset from km/h to mph each time I turn off the battery. Now i’m worried that if I get the firmware reset it will also reset my speed limit to 20 mph.