The new turbo Vado 2017

Specialized website now has more description of the various Vado models. Descriptions for the 2.0 and 3.0 are nearly identical and both describe maximum assist speed as 20 mph. So, what is maximum assist speed for the Vado 3.0? Who knows. We await word from those with more connect than we possess.
Hello! Can anyone confirm that the Specialized changes the engine to a new served one after 3 years. My trader in Sweden told me that.

I mailed them and got this back.

Hej Bengt

Yes and no.

There is a service interval of 15.000 kilometer for the beltdrive inside the motor.

At the moment you can get a new serviced motor instead of waiting for you own to get fixed.

But we are working on a solution so the local shop can change the belt themselves.

So far we have no customers who has driven 15.000 kilometer.

I hope this answers your question?
I got home KLICKFIX RACKPACK 2 PLUS yesterday and just clicked the bag on the rack, no need for a adapter etc.View attachment 18075

IF that bag is a 2 plus then that means each of the side pockets folds open to create a panner. Do you have a picture of the sides open
I was looking at those but the product description says that they should only be used with a rack with side screens. The Vado is very open is there not a risk of the wheel being fouled?
IF that bag is a 2 plus then that means each of the side pockets folds open to create a panner. Do you have a picture of the sides open
I was looking at those but the product description says that they should only be used with a rack with side screens. The Vado is very open is there not a risk of the wheel being fouled?

I am not sure if it works with the Vado, i use the sidepockets to store extra lights, first aid etc. But i can take a picture tomorrow or in the weekend.
I think as you say that its very open, you cannot use a pannier on the side with it, there is no space for it. I have a big pannier for shopping etc to alternate with.
Right. Thing is, I was visiting my mom in Austin (I'm not there any longer). I don't plan to buy until this all shakes out- like next spring- if the Vado continues to have poor feedback from owners I'll probably buy the Giant Quick-e+.) All of which is to say... Court? What can you find out?

I live in Northern California (Bay Area). After much research and testing, I purchased a Vado 3.0. Two different samples I tested were able to achieve 26 mph powered. I checked with 2 different salesmen who confirmed this was how they were being delivered and that specialized had changed them from the previous max of 20 mph. I purchased the bike and confirmed that is the case. In Turbo mode I can achieve a little over 26 mph before the powers cuts out. So I’m puzzled by the comment that after updating the firmware to US specs, the bike can only do 20 mph.
What worries me is that after reading the comments here I realized my bike is in demo mode, as it starts In turbo mode, lights off, and I have to reset from km/h to mph each time I turn off the battery. Now i’m worried that if I get the firmware reset it will also reset my speed limit to 20 mph.
I live in Northern California (Bay Area). After much research and testing, I purchased a Vado 3.0. Two different samples I tested were able to achieve 26 mph powered. I checked with 2 different salesmen who confirmed this was how they were being delivered and that specialized had changed them from the previous max of 20 mph. I purchased the bike and confirmed that is the case. In Turbo mode I can achieve a little over 26 mph before the powers cuts out. So I’m puzzled by the comment that after updating the firmware to US specs, the bike can only do 20 mph.
What worries me is that after reading the comments here I realized my bike is in demo mode, as it starts In turbo mode, lights off, and I have to reset from km/h to mph each time I turn off the battery. Now i’m worried that if I get the firmware reset it will also reset my speed limit to 20 mph.
That is definitely demo mode. Same thing happened to me. I am in the UK though so it is 15.5mph max for us and that did not change before or after. I don't think there would be a dealer mode that has one top speed and user mode that has a different one that would be serious mis-selling! So I doubt just changing the mode will have an effect on top speed. What might is if when you get the dealer to plug in to change the mode the software prompts them to do a software update. Then all bets are off. In Europe there has never been a software update it is the same version that was on the bike when it was launched I believe. Can't vouch for the US though. Also when they first hook it up they will be prompted to enter the wheel size. They can enter any value from 2.1-2.4m. It is important to make sure it is entered accurately (or a little on the small side). If the bike thinks the wheels are larger than they actually are you can loose a little top speed that way as well though we are only talking zero point something of a mile per hour. Might not sound like a lot but when you are limited to 15.5 every little counts! I believe the wheel sizing should also be doable via the app as well whenever that will be available!
I live in Northern California (Bay Area). After much research and testing, I purchased a Vado 3.0. Two different samples I tested were able to achieve 26 mph powered. I checked with 2 different salesmen who confirmed this was how they were being delivered and that specialized had changed them from the previous max of 20 mph. I purchased the bike and confirmed that is the case. In Turbo mode I can achieve a little over 26 mph before the powers cuts out. So I’m puzzled by the comment that after updating the firmware to US specs, the bike can only do 20 mph.
What worries me is that after reading the comments here I realized my bike is in demo mode, as it starts In turbo mode, lights off, and I have to reset from km/h to mph each time I turn off the battery. Now i’m worried that if I get the firmware reset it will also reset my speed limit to 20 mph.

My wife's bike was similar: starting in kph. A firmware update did not decrease the maximum speed from 26(-ish), but it did remember which speed unit it used (mph). Hers starts in sport mode with the lights on. I wonder if that's a setting somewhere in the firmware?

Specialized, if you're listening, I want to be able to select a 24-hour clock with mph!
My wife's bike was similar: starting in kph. A firmware update did not decrease the maximum speed from 26(-ish), but it did remember which speed unit it used (mph). Hers starts in sport mode with the lights on. I wonder if that's a setting somewhere in the firmware?

Specialized, if you're listening, I want to be able to select a 24-hour clock with mph!
The non remembering/lights off/start up is the definitely thedealer demo mode.
I hear you about the MPH/12 hour thing. The software feels very half baked. I am hoping for a lot more when the app is done.
Have you also noticed that on the lcd display if you shine a light there are 5 assistance level bars not just the 3 the eco/sport/turbo options we have now. Possible future upgrade there as well?
The non remembering/lights off/start up is the definitely thedealer demo mode.
I hear you about the MPH/12 hour thing. The software feels very half baked. I am hoping for a lot more when the app is done.
Have you also noticed that on the lcd display if you shine a light there are 5 assistance level bars not just the 3 the eco/sport/turbo options we have now. Possible future upgrade there as well?

I just noticed that. And I saw a NuVinci logo in there as well!
Hello everyone from France, Iwrite for the first time on this forum.

I went today to my dealer to get my brand new Turbo Vado 4.0. The look is really great, but the lack of bluetooth was a showstopper.
I didn't saw your discussion before and was not aware of the information about the specific Vado Mission Control and the activation of bluetooth by a new firmware planned for november.
The vendor himself adviced me to not take the bike before he call Specialized next week to get all information.
I'm not really informed about the seriousness of the Specialized company, but I are you confident about their roadmap ? Do you advice me to take my Vado 4.0 despite the problems encountered by some owners (the shop is still able to send it back to Specialized) ?
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I am not sure if it works with the Vado, i use the sidepockets to store extra lights, first aid etc. But i can take a picture tomorrow or in the weekend.
I think as you say that its very open, you cannot use a pannier on the side with it, there is no space for it. I have a big pannier for shopping etc to alternate with.

My bike is in for checkup my motor is noisy, so you have to wait for the photo.
Does anyone know when Vado 6.0 models will be available in the US? The Specialized website doesn't show any bike shops with them and when I call different shops they tell me January or March, depending on who I call. Does anyone know why there is a delay for the 6.0 models?
So here's my question.

Reading this forum, I see numerous references to problems Vado owners are having, either with the electronics or the motor itself. Do they represent a consensus of a not-ready-for-prime-time product, or does a company like Specialized sell so many bikes that one is bound to hear about more problems, even if proportionately they occur no more often than with similar bikes?

I loved my 35 mile Vado test ride, love many features of the bike, can't wait to see how cool Mission Control is... but will I be buying a bike that is going to spend half its life in the shop? I don't even know how to research this or start to make a decision.
My Wife's bike is having issues of losing motor assist, and the display showing 0% of battery despite having a good amount of charge left. Taking off the Blox module cleaning the contacts seems to help, Its just rather annoying during a big climb the motor cuts out.
My Wife's bike is having issues of losing motor assist, and the display showing 0% of battery despite having a good amount of charge left. Taking off the Blox module cleaning the contacts seems to help, Its just rather annoying during a big climb the motor cuts out.

I suggest you talk with your lbs Specialized dealer and ask them to call specialized and ask for help.
My Wife's bike is having issues of losing motor assist, and the display showing 0% of battery despite having a good amount of charge left. Taking off the Blox module cleaning the contacts seems to help, Its just rather annoying during a big climb the motor cuts out.
I experienced the same issue. It’s due to the battery not sitting in the cradle tightly enough. I took mine in to my LBS and they installed a rubber piece (issued by Specialized) to hold the battery in place. Problem went away after this.
My Wife's bike is having issues of losing motor assist, and the display showing 0% of battery despite having a good amount of charge left. Taking off the Blox module cleaning the contacts seems to help, Its just rather annoying during a big climb the motor cuts out.

I bought the Turbo Vado 5.0 Sept 9th. It was losing motor assist (I describe it as the bike was surging, especially in turbo mode) and I was seeing 0% on my battery display intermittently . I fixed the problem by cleaning the contacts between the battery and the bike. You must clean both sets of contacts. I used q-tips, heavyweight paper towels and Isopropyl alcohol. To get to the battery contacts I used some stiff plastic and forced heavy weight paper towels with alcohol on them in and out of the slots. I got quite bit of dirt on towel.

The bike ran awesome after that. Full Speed ahead at 28mph!!!!

I am still waiting for a firmware update to be able to use the Mission Control App.
I recall there being an issue about some Vado's being stuck in Demo mode after being purchased. I think I read this was solved by bringing the bike into a dealer and doing a firmware update.

I would like to purchase a Vado 5.0, but I know I'll probably be buying a floor model (from Mike's Bikes). Is there any way to tell what firmware the bike has before I purchase it?

By chance does anyone know if I can ask them to give me a fresh bike from the mfr and not a floor model?