The new turbo Vado 2017


I have just bought a Vado 3 in France
The LBS was useless
the booklet given with the bike is not much better
does anyone know of a good source (web ....) of info

I have loads of questions already (80 km on the clock)

I know that the Mobile Application is not published yet but does anyone have a vague idea when it will be ?

was the "tactile" control panel an option or does the Vado only have a non tactile one. it would appear to be that the tactile one is really interesting

does anyone know if I can power up the control ,panel off the bike (via micro USB) so that I can "play" in my sitting room

does anyone know if there is a specific cable that should be used to charge my iPhone via the mico usb slot on the control panel

oofff so many questions that are not answered by the booklet

what a shame

can anyone help ?



Do you have a touch screen (TFT) display or lcd? My vado 3.0 came with an LCD display. Probably have to get a Vado 4.0 to get into touchscreen. Did your specialized LBS dealer update your bike software prior to delivery? Ask if they did and if not take it to them and watch how they do it. I have read bluetooth update to Display is due in November. Will no doubt require a trip to specialized dealer to install. I hope they fix the part of the program that automatically resets the trip mileage as soon as you power off. My turbo X resets when I reset it or battery is charged.
What is max speed are you assisted to in kph. Is it hard to pedal above that speed?
Do you have a touch screen (TFT) display or lcd? My vado 3.0 came with an LCD display. Probably have to get a Vado 4.0 to get into touchscreen. Did your specialized LBS dealer update your bike software prior to delivery? Ask if they did and if not take it to them and watch how they do it. I have read bluetooth update to Display is due in November. Will no doubt require a trip to specialized dealer to install. I hope they fix the part of the program that automatically resets the trip mileage as soon as you power off. My turbo X resets when I reset it or battery is charged.
What is max speed are you assisted to in kph. Is it hard to pedal above that speed?

I Think Only Vado 5 and 6 have the touchsctreen. Yes my bike is updated. I have assist up,to 25 kph, i think its feel harder to pedal because of the assist stops but you get used to it and learn to pedal with right gears etc.
There is a problem with the display and rain, you need to get a fix for it the bike could shut down and you need to wait to get the power back on again.
I Think Only Vado 5 and 6 have the touchsctreen. Yes my bike is updated. I have assist up,to 25 kph, i think its feel harder to pedal because of the assist stops but you get used to it and learn to pedal with right gears etc.
There is a problem with the display and rain, you need to get a fix for it the bike could shut down and you need to wait to get the power back on again.
Here's the fix to stop water ingress into the display/contact interface; https://translate.googleusercontent...668805&usg=ALkJrhhLPdaG3a1GTJc6Rq1iafXYl8hPfw
I just posted my 3 week old Vado 5.0 on San Francisco Craigslist for anyone interested. Size large. Save a bunch! $4175. It is a great bike, but I suddenly need the money. (Link Removed - No Longer Exists)
(Link Removed - No Longer Exists)
Do you have a touch screen (TFT) display or lcd? My vado 3.0 came with an LCD display. Probably have to get a Vado 4.0 to get into touchscreen. Did your specialized LBS dealer update your bike software prior to delivery? Ask if they did and if not take it to them and watch how they do it. I have read bluetooth update to Display is due in November. Will no doubt require a trip to specialized dealer to install. I hope they fix the part of the program that automatically resets the trip mileage as soon as you power off. My turbo X resets when I reset it or battery is charged.
What is max speed are you assisted to in kph. Is it hard to pedal above that speed?
I have a LCD screen
the assistance seems to tail off at 27 kph - yes it is quite abit harder to pedal
but if you think about it, you go over 27 on flat or downhill so pedaling on a non assisted bike is not so hard anyway :)
thanks for the other infos !
Hi guys, just joined as I was intrigued by this post!

I bought a Vado 4.0 from Evans here in the U.K.

Had to be replaced under warranty immediately as was sent in “demo mode” with mph/kph resetting every time it was switched off. Evans don’t have the Specialized software in-store to do a proper handover program when you buy the bike (an IT error apparently according to Specialized UK). So they programmed a bike at the warehouse and delivered it to me, it now remembers the mph/kph setting and and starts up in power mode 2 with lights on.

It’s interesting people mentioned difficulty pedalling above 16mph.... I find mine very difficult to keep at speed above 16mph as it’s like riding in wet cement!!

Oh and Specialized UK confirmed that these bikes will need a firmware update by a registered dealer to activate Bluetooth (for Mission Control app) before the new app will work once released in around November time.

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Anybody have success in fitting an aftermarket rack onto the Vado? I'm not sure what kind of hardware I'd need with the rack bosses being on the bottom of the tube instead of the outside.
Anybody have success in fitting an aftermarket rack onto the Vado? I'm not sure what kind of hardware I'd need with the rack bosses being on the bottom of the tube instead of the outside.

The rack is great as it is so wouldn’t be something I would change. I have a Racktime Talis Plus bag coming for mine :)
I got home KLICKFIX RACKPACK 2 PLUS yesterday and just clicked the bag on the rack, no need for a adapter etc.
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Hi guys, just joined as I was intrigued by this post!

I bought a Vado 4.0 from Evans here in the U.K.

Had to be replaced under warranty immediately as was sent in “demo mode” with mph/kph resetting every time it was switched off. Evans don’t have the Specialized software in-store to do a proper handover program when you buy the bike (an IT error apparently according to Specialized UK). So they programmed a bike at the warehouse and delivered it to me, it now remembers the mph/kph setting and and starts up in power mode 2 with lights on.

It’s interesting people mentioned difficulty pedalling above 16mph.... I find mine very difficult to keep at speed above 16mph as it’s like riding in wet cement!!

Oh and Specialized UK confirmed that these bikes will need a firmware update by a registered dealer to activate Bluetooth (for Mission Control app) before the new app will work once released in around November time.

Hi Jay, I purchased a Vado 3.0 in the U.S. in June. It was incorrectly configured as a EU model and had the same thing you have. Mainly 15 to 16 mph top assisted speed. Trying to get to 18 or higher took a major effort. Specialized has now fixed my problem and 20 mph is no problem. The 20 mph works great for where I ride. Unfortunate that EU has gone to 16 mph restriction! Thanks for mentioning the info on Bluetooth. Several members have mentioned November as roll out. I will be watching for it. A trip to the dealer will solve that. I hope they change the way the trip mileage automatically resets when the bike powers off. Makes it of very little use.
The vado is a serious hill climber! May not be much use in UK. I believe designed in Switzerland and they have lots of hills.

Hi guys, just joined as I was intrigued by this post!

I bought a Vado 4.0 from Evans here in the U.K.

Had to be replaced under warranty immediately as was sent in “demo mode” with mph/kph resetting every time it was switched off. Evans don’t have the Specialized software in-store to do a proper handover program when you buy the bike (an IT error apparently according to Specialized UK). So they programmed a bike at the warehouse and delivered it to me, it now remembers the mph/kph setting and and starts up in power mode 2 with lights on.

It’s interesting people mentioned difficulty pedalling above 16mph.... I find mine very difficult to keep at speed above 16mph as it’s like riding in wet cement!!

Oh and Specialized UK confirmed that these bikes will need a firmware update by a registered dealer to activate Bluetooth (for Mission Control app) before the new app will work once released in around November time.


Like you I am UK based and bought the same model a few weeks ago. Initially very pleased with it but within 10 miles had problems with power dropout and then when turned on, the headlight flashed several times and the display refused to fire up.....result, no power. The dealer checked it over and said that it was due to a poor connection and have tested it for several miles. Today the display refused to work although at one stage the motor worked and then died completely.
Taking off the display and pressing the reset button eventually did the trick but I'm already losing faith in it! A shame as it's otherwise a lovely bike.
Hi guys, just joined as I was intrigued by this post!

I bought a Vado 4.0 from Evans here in the U.K.

Had to be replaced under warranty immediately as was sent in “demo mode” with mph/kph resetting every time it was switched off. Evans don’t have the Specialized software in-store to do a proper handover program when you buy the bike (an IT error apparently according to Specialized UK). So they programmed a bike at the warehouse and delivered it to me, it now remembers the mph/kph setting and and starts up in power mode 2 with lights on.

It’s interesting people mentioned difficulty pedalling above 16mph.... I find mine very difficult to keep at speed above 16mph as it’s like riding in wet cement!!

Oh and Specialized UK confirmed that these bikes will need a firmware update by a registered dealer to activate Bluetooth (for Mission Control app) before the new app will work once released in around November time.
Greetings to everyone on the Forum. First post.
I think I have the same issue, also UK. Picked up a Vado 4.0 from Tredz yesterday. light defaults to off, MPH setting is not retained. Also the service indicatior is set to "0 d" which suggests the software has never been touched since I would expect the dealer setup process to set that as well.
Seems like Tredz DO have the software in store to update it. Sounds like it just didn't occur to them that they needed to do anything! I think it may be the first Vado they have sold in that store.
I will check the mph against GPS before taking it in then mabe they can re-set that if under reading as well?
Only had time for a quick blast after charging it yesterday. Very impressed except the display froze up at around the 6 mile mark and I had to re-boot to fix it. not sure if the assistance cut out as well. hoping there is a software update to fix it.
anyone found out yet how to get it to display its firmware version ?
If its the colour TFT then the manual tells you where it is on page 19 but I have an LCD so cannot vouch for its validity
If its the Monchrome LCD display then I am pretty sure it cannot be shown. I guess you may be able to view it via the non existant app. I guess we will find out "Winter 2017/18" when the release it?
Hello! Can anyone confirm that the Specialized changes the engine to a new served one after 3 years. My trader in Sweden told me that.
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Hello! Can anyone confirm that the Specialized changes the engine to a new served one after 3 years. My trader in Sweden told me that.
Dealers say too much s*it lately. Just find the Specialized support for Europe and send them an email or call them to confirm if that's true. I do not think so. It would be much appealing if they have some sort of battery-replacement program after X number of years or some special price if you want to upgrade to a better battery, don't you think?
Hello! Can anyone confirm that the Specialized changes the engine to a new served one after 3 years. My trader in Sweden told me that.
If what your dealer meant is that Specialized will change their design to upgrade to a new motor system every 3 or so years, then there is an element of truth. The original Turbo was released in late 2012 with a 250W hub motor. Upgrades were introduced in 2015 with the 200W base Turbo and the Turbo X and the original Turbo (now Turbo S) was upgraded to 500W. The new Vado series replaced all of these in 2017.

So yes, Specialized seems to have made significant motor changes every 3 or so years. This implies that the obsolesence cycle is about 3 years...

There is no "upgrade your motor" support program from Specialized, however.