The ebike's cousin... electric skateboards

Nice Andrew! That's a funky combination but I can see how it would be really useful. I think my own preference is the Marbel, it's just so sleek and light weight.
and now we have the HoverSkater
Oh my gosh... This thing is actually a mini hovercraft! The LED lighting is kind of cool but also hokey. I bet pushing on this is a bit tricky because there's nothing to create friction from it sliding sideways and you have to take a wider stride or your foot will hit the wheels and bag. Not surprised that it's struggling to reach it's $22k goal... We're at 71 hours and they're at $4,265.
Hey guys, im new around here. I was searching the boards you did mention and really liked the idea of a skateboard that que also be used as a backpack. Found this on youtube:

Looks like people are approving it. What do you think?
Clever idea, good find Daniel! I like that if your in between public transit (bus stop to train platform) it would be easy to bridge that gap quicker. Cool looking product too
Hi EBR Readers. My name is Jason, Skateboarding Is my primary board sport at the moment. Followed by snow, then wake. When I can find some spare time one of my passions is making high performance electric skateboards in my garage. I have a 18 month old boy so he gets most of my attention lately. I do take him for rides on my skateboards though! he loves it! This is my new Electric skateboard forum this is one of the boards i made:
(Link Removed - No Longer Exists)
and this one:
(Link Removed - No Longer Exists)
These bad boys can easily do up to about 45km/h and climb steep hills. After years of lurking here you can see this is my first post, the reason I am posting is to spread the word about a new forum I created specifically for people to learn how to make their own electric skateboards at home. Most of the "off the shelf" stuff is pretty lame. Mostly due to speed and torque limitations. I always get mixed reviews when I show people my creations, many die-hard-skaters can get really defensive about skateboarding and ridicule the concept of installing motors onto something which works perfectly well without them. Is that you? if that is you don't follow the link!

I think there are two types of people in this world... 1. people who HATE electric skateboards... 2. people who DON'T HATE.

So hopefully we can get some more people interested in making there own eboards at home. so check out We are an open and passionate community looking to share knowledge. So please feel free to join in on the conversation, no question is stupid when it comes to learning about how to build an electric skateboards.

What is the absolute cheapest (lowest price) anyone has ever seen an electric skateboard out there on the market for sale??
There is a point where it can't get cheaper though... because the quality will diminish so far that it will just be a piece of ***

A quality skateboard deck, wheels & trucks are normally retail about $300-350.
A really low quality, complete skateboard from china, is maybe $70 factory price)
The cheapest you can buy a brushless outrunner motor is about $40 that is a factory price when buying 1000pcs or more.
battery price is determined by Watt hours. bigger cost more but lets say a small one its still $60
hand controller is probably about $10.
speed/motor controller $50 (it will be crap)
Charger $15
Misc drive train components $20.
Labour to assemble $10? (china wage for a week of work)

So lets just say the cost to manufacture one is $275... assuming they want to make some profit it will never be retailing for $300! maybe $400... but it would be so bad it would not be worth it. the battery would be tiny so it would last for 20mins max. & the power output would be so small it might only be good for a child. The wheels & trucks would be horrible. The deck would probably feel like it is about to snap.

I think $499 is really about as low as anyone should ever want to pay based on the fact that any less guarantees it will fail.
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What is the absolute cheapest (lowest price) anyone has ever seen an electric skateboard out there on the market for sale??
E-Go is 699.00 but there is a 50 dollar coupon so it is effectively 650. With a real world 9 mile range its not bad.
For some reason I have become extremely interested in eSkateboards. At first it was the very low weight, many are at 13 lbs and some are coming online at 10 lbs. But it has gone beyond that for me, this weekend I went to a store that sells boostedboards, they did not let me ride it and I bought an unpowered longboard instead. My thinking being I might as well learn the skills unpowered first. I have been practicing riding it (new to boards) when I take out my three year old son to parking lots when he practices on scooters and training bikes. So what I have learned really fast living in a hilly area is that skateboards don't brake well. They don't have brakes and the braking maneuvers all kind of suck. Using the tail to stop chews up the tail and takes balance, especially on anything steep. Otherwise you are using your foot which destabilizes or even worse, slicing perpendicular to the road and sliding like a snowboard, but way more difficult to pull off requiring hand dragging and all kinds of stuff taking weeks to months to learn.

Now, eBoards have brakes built in that use regeneration. I'm surprised that there are not manual boards that have manual brakes like scooters? I would probably have a boostedboard pro+ right now other than I don't know when I would ride it. Maybe to lunch and back at the office? Cannot pull a kid like an ebike can. I do this this 25 miles a trip 4 times a week.

Why I like eBoards :
1. They can be super lite. Most portable type of transport. eScooters for the most part weight twice as much. You can strap them to a backpack.
2. Fit in overheads, can travel with you. This is something that is much harder to pull off on ebikes.
3. Are very thrilling to ride. Hard to explain, like snowboarding or surfing if you have ever done that. I know this from watching videos and my initial practicing.
4. Are cool, their cousins eScooters are kind of dorky. These things radiate coolness.
5. There are some high quality offerings, the quality seems higher than eScooters other than maybe the m3/m5. Boosted especially seems to be quality. E-Go seems very good as well.
6. Price points are reasonable for the experience. The experience of these things is way fun.
7. Actually more accessable than regular boards. Braking and no need to kick.
8. Seems to really click with a certain type of person, I'm that type of person.

Why Not:
1. Dangerous. As a noob who snowboards, falls are on asphalt are way less forgiving than snow. By nature, the platform is unstable and requires a higher degree of balance. You can tighten things up but it takes away from cornering. I think part of the coolness comes from that fact that they are dangerous. I rode motorcycles for years, this is more injury prone for sure. Not sure if the fatality rate is as high.
2. In 3 months a better mouse trap is going to be available for the next forever. Super rapid rate of advance.
3. Limited range, most are around 8 miles or so.
4. Hills require more expensive boards.
5. Don't work well unpowered. Too much cogging.
I started on a regular longboard, upgrading to an electric board w/regular wheels (Evolve Pintail) a year later,

Then when my commute grew, upgraded that to an electric board with rubber tires (Evolve Carbon w/roadie wheels).

Do my work commute (22 km r/t) on the board if it's sunny, on the electric fatbike if there's a chance of rain.

Both the board and the bike are hugely more fun than commuting in a car, especially as I have lot of bicycle trails to follow. The larger wheels, combined with the inbuilt brakes, makes it way easier than a regular board.
Time to put the board away for the winter. Did about 400 km on it this year.


The last ride home (time lapse)
