My first post on this forum, after googling for reviews of the Giant Revolt E Pro...and found this thread:
Very nice! Did the lbs need to do any drilling or major mods to get a fit?
I joined the forum after reading this thread - great info, helpful people!
I thought I should introduce myself.
I live in Brisbane, Australia, and commute 8km each way to work, almost always on a Cannondale "acoustic" roadie (only learned that term from the thread above, but I love it!)
I got back into cycling about 25 years ago when a mate suggested I try mountain biking - what a blast!
I added the Cannondale roadie to the quiver (GT duallie and GT hardtail) about 12 years ago.
I don't do much mountain biking anymore, but the duallie gets out occasionally on the trails, and the hardtail is used for commuting if the roadie is in the shop, or if it's wet (the hardtail has disc brakes)...although if it's properly raining I'll normally slack out and take the bus (yes I know - soft).
Brisbane is quite a hilly city (not San Francisco hilly, but it's not flat like say Melbourne), and over the last few years, age and creaky knees has made my commute into a chore - especially the ride home as we live at the top of a steep hill - I've been riding around it for about 5 years now, but even the gentlest way home has become a challenge for my knees.
I started investigating peddle assist e-bikes mid last year to help me up the hills.
I wanted to get a road style drop bar e-bike, and I liked the concept of the rear hub drives - no more stress on the chain/rings/cassette than an acoustic bike and very "stealth"...
I took an Orbea hub drive for a test ride (I think around 40Nm torque), specifically seeking out hills similar to my commute and I was quite disappointed with the assistance it provided on the steep hills, even in the lowest gear.
The bike shop let me next test a Focus mid drive with a bit more torque (I think around 55Nm) - again it didn't give me enough assist up the hills, but noticeably better than the hub drive...
...time to look for e-bikes with more torque!
The bike shop recommended the Cannondale Topstone Neo Carbon 4 - what a beautiful bike! but at AUD$8700 it was never going to get approved

... my top end was between AUD$5-6K
...but that led to investigating what other bikes had the Bosch Performance CX (Gen 4) motor, and other motors of similar torque (eg Shimano EP8, Yamaha PW-X etc).
These motors are typically found in e-mountain bikes, but crossing over to gravel bikes like the Cannondale Topstone, Canyon Grail:ON...both too expensive for me.
Focus has some flat bar hardtails with the Bosch gen 4 motor, and Merida has similar with the Shimano EP8 motor...but I wanted drop bars and no front suspension and something under 20kg (44lb).
I "stumbled" across the Giant Revolt E+ Pro 2020 through random google searching for bikes with the Yamaha motor...
For some reason when I review
all the e-bikes on the Australian Giant website, the Revolt E+ isn't there...
...If I
search on the
same site ( for Revolt E+ it appears...WTF?...
...anyway, the Giant Revolt E+ Pro seemed to tick all the boxes - Giant branded Yamaha motor with 80Nm torque (I think it's a re-branded Yamaha PW-X), drop bars, reasonable my price range...
...further googling found this forum and the thread I linked to above with mostly good reviews of the bike.
I visited a Giant store in the CBD of Brisbane close to work, but they only had a medium and a large, and I needed an XL, and only floor stock was available - with no possibility of ordering an XL in ?...? - I asked him about the Giant Revolt E+ Pro
2021, which is available in New Zealand, but he said they didn't come to Australia...
The proprietor suggested I get on the phone to find a Brisbane shop that has an XL sized Revolt E 2020 on the floor.
I located another Brisbane shop that had an XL in stock (their only model) and test rode it the next day...found some steep hills...and wow, this thing is the bomb.
I'll have no issues getting up our steep street home !

I don't have it yet, as I only put a deposit down to secure it - the bike shop puts it in storage (ie no-one else test rides it etc) - and I'll pay it off over the next few pay cycles...
...can't wait to get it...
...I'm very much looking forward to my cycle commute being a joy again!...
Great forum!