tail-light recommendation for Pedego rear-battery models?


Well-Known Member
Hi all,
It will be getting darker, days will be getting shorter... It's great that the Pedego has integrated lights, but I would like MORE lights. In shopping, I see that most rear lights attach to seat-posts or seat mechanisms, and since I'm not very tall, my seat post doesn't extend higher than the battery. I wonder if anyone has recommendations of after-market tail lights that would be able to attach to the rack or other location.

Any number of rear lights will fit Pedego battery racks. The one I sell the most is the Cygolight Hotshot 100. It’s great quality and so bright that it’s easily visible in daylight. It comes with two brackets, a wider one for seatposts, and a narrower one for racks. I use the included rubber spacer, but trim it a little to make the fit easier. I usually mount it just below and left of the battery.

REI sells the various models of the Cygolights, and since (I think) you are in the Seattle area you should be able to get to an REI and try one out. I use a Cygolight Dice TL 50.

I'd also recommend looking into a separate light you can mount on your handlebars or helmet that also has lights to the side.
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