Stromer ST1-X - Display only showing White


New Member
Hi everyone,

new poster, great forum, glad to have found it!

Yesterday I turned my stromer on, only to find that the display wouldn't respond, only showed a white screen. Eventually it gets really hot, seems to be overheating. Battery had been fully charged, bike had only been left unused for a few days. Bike has been solid for a couple years up to this point. Replaced the monochrome omni it came with with a color omni last summer when they upgraded.

Any troubleshooting ideas for me? Does the unit run on a battery of its own, as I may have read? If so, are there directions out there somewhere for replacing the omni battery?

Thanks for any and all ideas!
When they do the Omni upgrade from mono to color, they added adapter cables. The black connectors on the adapter cables are not well designed for a vehicle application and have no retention mechanism other than slight friction and can separate or back out of the housings. Remove the Omni and carefully inspect these wires and connectors right underneath the Omni.
The mounting ring around the pushbutton underneath has 4 small holes around the perimeter for a special tool to grab it. Unless it is extremely tight you should able to rotate the ring counterclockwise to remove it with a couple of small awls or jewelers screwdrivers in just 2 of the holes.
thanks whitexkr, i would have never guessed that, and I've never found anything to explain that online. I really appreciate your time and input.
thanks whitexkr, i would have never guessed that, and I've never found anything to explain that online. I really appreciate your time and input.
I forgot to mention, always remove the battery first before messing with the electronics.