Stromer st1 v wiring from motor to battery?


New Member
Ok so I have a few friends and people I work with who have stromers. We work as bike couriers. I personally do all the work on my bike (I have plenty of tools) and in my circle of friends I'm the only one who is not afraid to do so. I also repair cell phones and re-solder chips (imei repairs).

Anyhow a friend of mine messaged me today saying another co-worker apparently had some sort of fall that did some damage to the wire that connects the battery to the motor. It's the cable that runs from motor to battery right under the BB.

He told me that the local dealer just told the dude that a new motor is needed. We're talking $1500+ here. My friend cannot afford right now. I totally get why the dealer just says to replace the motor- I'm guessing it has to do with amount of service required to re-solder vs just swaping in a new motor etc. That and re-soldering probably isn't up to the stromer standard of care.

This said I wish to help my friend. However I'm sorta inexperienced in this matter (although I did recently fix a frayed light wire on my stromer). I have all the tools needed to do the job- multimeter, soldering station, rosin and solder, heat shrink, etc. I'm just wondering what kind of connector and wires I will need to buy from the electrical store.

Also any guidance or links to sites who discuss such repairs would be appreciated!
The wire you mention is two piece. There is a plug near the wheel and one that is a bear to plug and unplug near the wicket (battery carrier). The wire will have a plug on both ends and is available from Stromer it is called Power cable three pin PN 213608 retail $32usd if the one from the wicket to that is damaged it is available Wicket cable assembly PN 213425 retail $50usd plus shipping. Be aware the power cable is not the easiest fish through the chain stay but can be done with patience. If Stromer is reluctant to sell direct give us a call we can get you back in shape in no time.
The wire you mention is two piece. There is a plug near the wheel and one that is a bear to plug and unplug near the wicket (battery carrier). The wire will have a plug on both ends and is available from Stromer it is called Power cable three pin PN 213608 retail $32usd if the one from the wicket to that is damaged it is available Wicket cable assembly PN 213425 retail $50usd plus shipping. Be aware the power cable is not the easiest fish through the chain stay but can be done with patience. If Stromer is reluctant to sell direct give us a call we can get you back in shape in no time.
Thank you! I think I may be needing these for my bike