Strange charging issues with ST 2


ON a few occasions now, even though the battery is fully charged, when I turn the bike on battery shows 0% charge. I have to take battery out for a few seconds and then it will show the charge. Secondly, it often will not take a full charge, right now it is 95% charged, and whether the battery is charged on or out of the bike it will not charge any more. On another occasion, it was 96%. This seems to be happening every couple of days now. The bike is is a2015 model with around 500 km. Anybody have any ideas? Could it be a faulty battery?
ON a few occasions now, even though the battery is fully charged, when I turn the bike on battery shows 0% charge. I have to take battery out for a few seconds and then it will show the charge. Secondly, it often will not take a full charge, right now it is 95% charged, and whether the battery is charged on or out of the bike it will not charge any more. On another occasion, it was 96%. This seems to be happening every couple of days now. The bike is is a2015 model with around 500 km. Anybody have any ideas? Could it be a faulty battery?

Do you have the latest firmware?
Neil, I have a 2015 St2 and have observed the same issue on occasion. Its why I absolutely always have my battery key with me. I've had my bike about 10 months but didn't notice this happening until several months ago after the firmware/app upgrade.
Thanks for the reply John. Do you also have the issue with the battery not taking a full charge on occasion?
I recall it happening once but it hasn't done it again. The time it happened the battery had been drained to approx 35%, I put it on the charger and everything acted normal. In the morning the charger was indicating it had completed the charge cycle but the bike only showed 85%. I shut everything off and pulled the battery, then put it back on the charger and it topped off the battery to 100%. I just chocked it up to errant electrical gremlins or perhaps the watt meter the charger was plugged into. Since then I haven't seen the problem again.
the charging issue happens a few times a week now. No matter what I do I cannot get it to take a full charge, besides riding the bike on a trip, and then it will recharge. Seems to me it must be some kind of software glitch.
the charging issue happens a few times a week now. No matter what I do I cannot get it to take a full charge, besides riding the bike on a trip, and then it will recharge. Seems to me it must be some kind of software glitch.

Yep, this has happened to me countless times now (bike bought April of 2015). Basically, I am at the point where every time I go to use my ST2, I'm afraid it won't work. Either the battery won't have charged, or the torque sensor will crap out, or the "Drive Error" code will show up, or the friggin' entire pedal assembly will literally just fall off the bike (yep, this actually happened). Today, I had both the charge issue AND the "Drive Error" message. To add insult to injury, I did the battery pop-out fix, and now my key is stuck in "unlocked" position on the bike. I can't jiggle it or anything, so I'm pretty much fed up with the entire piece of equipment. I've already had it in the shop 3 times, and it's still basically a piece of garage. It's a shame, because it's a pleasure when it works. But it fails to work so frequently that it cannot be trusted as a reliable form of communication. If I bought a car or a motorcycle, brand new, that would just randomly not start or would fail to "turn on", or if the accelerator pedal just fell off while I was driving, you better believe the manufacturer would be dealing with my state's lemon law. As it stands, I'm out $8000 and will never buy, nor recommend, another Stromer product ever again.

My suggestion: if this bike is still relatively new, try to exchange it for one from a better manufacturer. Your problems have only just begun.
Yep, this has happened to me countless times now (bike bought April of 2015). Basically, I am at the point where every time I go to use my ST2, I'm afraid it won't work. Either the battery won't have charged, or the torque sensor will crap out, or the "Drive Error" code will show up, or the friggin' entire pedal assembly will literally just fall off the bike (yep, this actually happened). Today, I had both the charge issue AND the "Drive Error" message. To add insult to injury, I did the battery pop-out fix, and now my key is stuck in "unlocked" position on the bike. I can't jiggle it or anything, so I'm pretty much fed up with the entire piece of equipment. I've already had it in the shop 3 times, and it's still basically a piece of garage. It's a shame, because it's a pleasure when it works. But it fails to work so frequently that it cannot be trusted as a reliable form of communication. If I bought a car or a motorcycle, brand new, that would just randomly not start or would fail to "turn on", or if the accelerator pedal just fell off while I was driving, you better believe the manufacturer would be dealing with my state's lemon law. As it stands, I'm out $8000 and will never buy, nor recommend, another Stromer product ever again.

My suggestion: if this bike is still relatively new, try to exchange it for one from a better manufacturer. Your problems have only just begun.

This is unusual. We are not too far from you. If we can be of help, please visit us.
We should be able to fix it or get you a replacement.
Wow ChicagoEBiker it really does sound like it's time to engage a knowledgeable dealer and Stromer to help resolve your issues. While I may encounter an occasional glitch, I have to say my experience has been at the opposite end of the spectrum from yours. My St2 is so dialed in that I honestly have to say it ranks right up at the top of the list of things that I have purchased that provide the best return on investment in terms of shear satisfaction. Get it fixed or replaced and start reaping the benefits of your investment.
I called Chan at Stromer and he told me the 95% issue is a software issue that they are aware of and will be resolve at a later firmware update.
Thanks Bob, good to know it is a known issue. Hopefully, an update is coming soon, it is a bit irritating when you are already concerned about range to have 5% taken away.... I mostly carry a key with me for the other issue where it will go to 0% after charging or restarting after turning the bike off.
Ditto in terms of Neil's issue with the battery ... So far in 1 month I've had 2 aborted rides. Otherwise great bike.
I was looking at the Stromer forum in does an Ok job of translating. These problems are discussed there. Apparently if you follow this sequence when charging it solves the issue. Bike must be off. Charger is not plugged in. The cord is connected to bike and then plugged into power. Once charged, unplug from power, then unplug from bike. I have started doing this today and will report back in a few weeks on resolution or not..
I thought I would add that I now have a new issue to add. I got the drive error today while going down a steep road in max regen. Naturally I thought I could just take out battery and reboot and it would clear...Not so lucky, after numerous efforts, I had to push the bike 2km uphill with no assist... Stromer is down for now...Frustrating!!!
LBS will try and look at it before the weekend. I have to get it there... Tried calling Stromer, left a message hours ago and no call back... Dead in the water for now!
This happened to me this morning (first week of use). Removing the battery for 20 seconds and then popping it back in fixed the issue. I asked the Stromer support guy for an explanation. I'll report back here if he replies.
Got the bike back up and running this evening...removed battery one more time, error Drive motor showed up and a few seconds later disappeared and them normal screen with 100% battery. Took the bike for a 10km ride and all seems fine. Not so reassuring that this could happen at any time on my commute. I commute 30km each way. The last 4km of my home commute is up a fairly steep climb