Steering assist prototype


Well-Known Member
Arlington, Virginia

TU Delft have fitted a Gazelle step-through with a steering tube motor paired with some sort of accelerometer to detect toppling and initiate a steering correction, the designer compares it with lane assist in cars.

I wonder what the intended application for this is? People learning to ride, people with balance impairments, plain old drunks? How does it effect normal steering? What if you suddenly need to dodge a pothole or a fool on a scooter?

This might be a great idea but to me, at a glance, it seems like a solution without a problem.

Kind of reminds me of the time NASA spent millions on a pen that you could write with in space when they could have just used a pencil.

Older riders. Dutch bicycle accident research has shown a disproportionate number of severe injuries requiring treatment in the ED or hospitalization in elderly riders, Sources: &

Yeah, okay. There are all kinds of people in the world so I'm sure there are some for whom this is the answer to their prayers, but really, what about trikes and recumbents, for example? How much does this cost, not to mention what it does to the weight and the goofiness factor of the bike? (Why not ride a trike?)

And still, how does it affect sudden steering around potholes, dogs, and idiots on the street?

It is an interesting idea and if it helps some people that's really wonderful.

All this thing does so far is maintain balance for a lane change? Well, I understand the goal here is self balancing (and also continued research funding), but the practical solution for people who need this will, as has already been stated, a better upright trike that won't tip over.
All this thing does so far is maintain balance for a lane change? Well, I understand the goal here is self balancing.

I think so, the publicity describes the algorithms as identifying a potential fall and applying corrective steering. Nothing as expensive as using lidar, or as complicated as dual cameras to detect, classify, and avoid obstacles, though the latter appears to be a direction research into low-cost obstacle avoidance is going.
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