Stand Over Height on E-Bikes


New Member
I'm somewhat confused by the term "Stand Over Height" as it applies to E-Bikes, especially those whose top tube (or often "only tube") isn't straight across. I have a 7 or 8 year old Giant CF road bike with a horizontal top tube, which from the floor measures 28" at the top. I am 5'5" tall, and no spring chicken. I can mount, dismount, and ride this bike comfortably, but anything much higher than that might place the future of the world in jeopardy :)

I've been looking at the Eunorau Fat-HD bike reviewed on this website in mid-March:

In this review, it's stated in the "bicycle details" that the stand over height is 30", which would be a threat to future generations, as it applies to me :) In speaking with a representative of the company, however, I have been told that this is not an issue for me with this bike, and that someone on their staff who is exactly the same height as I am, can ride this bike comfortably. Of course, they are trying to sell me a bike.

There are quite a few step over frames and folding bikes, and stuff like that which can easily accommodate a wide range of biker heights. What I am unclear on, however, is how to evaluate bikes with sloping top tubes, which have reviews written giving the SOH as if it's one number, when in fact it depends on where you are measuring it. Of course, you can't stand over the seat and you can't stand over the handlebars, but in between covers a lot of territory.

Obviously, the best thing would be to see a bike in person and see how it fits you. Unfortunately, at least some of us do not live in places where this is easy to do or where there is any selection to speak of available to see. Does anyone have any insights to share on this, and is it conceivable that this particular bike, the Eunorau fat-HD can be ridden safely and comfortably by someone who is "height-challenged" like myself?
Height doesn’t necessarily relate to inseam. I have short legs and long torso. The company should certainly be able to give you an exact height on the bar instead of anecdotal stories about someone the same height
Height doesn’t necessarily relate to inseam. I have short legs and long torso. The company should certainly be able to give you an exact height on the bar instead of anecdotal stories about someone the same height
Very intelligent response and obviously true. Thank you.
Stack and reach are more important measurements than standover height.

For me, if I can't stand upright with the bike upright between my legs, while stopped, then the bike is a non-starter and I won't buy it. I don't need more than one good reason not to buy a particular bike, 1 is sufficient :)

The manufacturer did measure the stand over height for me measured to the floor from the top tube as drawn on this photo: Stand Over Height.jpg

I was told it is 75 cm, which converts to 29.5", and that alone is a no-go for me. There is simply too much at stake for the future of the world to risk it :)