ST2 issues


Active Member
Well, not sure what's going on with my ST2, I have tried to play with the configurations settings. Trying out just about every option to suit my driving style and habits. However, and this is strange. When I am riding the bike, pedaling away, it seems like when I pedal something is not flowing smoothly. Feels like a magnet or probably the motor is holding itself back. For example, it feels like its applying its brake or regen mode, it's quite frustrating indeed and this shouldnt' be happening.

At times I have to use extra force to pedal and get the motor going because the motor or ? is not functioning as it should. The motor seems hesitant, holds itself back, applying pressure or brakes. Its like pedaling and the brakes are being applied at the same time. Weird! I have removed the battery, reset it, etc etc. and this issue keeps happening so what can be wrong with a brand new bike???
My bike is doing something similar now, I have other issues with error messages when starting the bike. I had mentioned this in a previous thread. Mine is being put down to a controller issue. I hope this addresses the surging issue you are referring too.
at a shop running diags on mine for the same issue, loking at the controller. It feels like a bad, funky torque sensor, not saying it is but symptoms feel like it. Add to it sometimes maybe 2-4 times in a 60 mile ride, from take off, no power for .5 to 2.0 sec ,then it kicks in. It doesnt like constant speed at the on-off point of the torque sensor, feels like either on or off no in between. It is most noticeable at about 16-21 mph in level 3. A couple times i was standing up to pedal and couldnt get past 8mph in ECO, normally 19-21 mph in ECO. if I ramp up speed moderately , the low end of making the motor work,mild but constant pressure on the pedals, it will get up to 27-28. But if I pedal hard it fights to get to speed. Sometimes I get about 26 mph top speed sometimes 28.5, same place on the path. Some time it has run the way I expect it was designed to and it just so awesome!

I occasionally still get drive error and another i don't remember, but followed by go to service point
When I turned the bike on I got a System error and then a drive error. If I took the battery out and restarted, it made no difference. I kept trying until it restarted (a long walk home otherwise) It acted strangely the whole ride home...Limited power in level 3 and surging. Since then it happened a few times, but in between, I had some pretty normal commutes. Today it started surging again. I hope it behaves normally on the commute home. A little frustrating that the bike has these gremlins. Having said that the support from Stromer is top notch, and Joel at San Diego Office has been great to deal with and very helpful.
at a shop running diags on mine for the same issue, loking at the controller. It feels like a bad, funky torque sensor, not saying it is but symptoms feel like it. Add to it sometimes maybe 2-4 times in a 60 mile ride, from take off, no power for .5 to 2.0 sec ,then it kicks in. It doesnt like constant speed at the on-off point of the torque sensor, feels like either on or off no in between. It is most noticeable at about 16-21 mph in level 3. A couple times i was standing up to pedal and couldnt get past 8mph in ECO, normally 19-21 mph in ECO. if I ramp up speed moderately , the low end of making the motor work,mild but constant pressure on the pedals, it will get up to 27-28. But if I pedal hard it fights to get to speed. Sometimes I get about 26 mph top speed sometimes 28.5, same place on the path. Some time it has run the way I expect it was designed to and it just so awesome!

I occasionally still get drive error and another i don't remember, but followed by go to service point[/QUOTE

This is a brand new bike, 7k the value of a "bicycle" one should not expect to be getting any issues. Especially while the bike is still brand new, I will be taken it to the service center but I already had a bad experiece and their "authorize service center" the tech seemed to be confused as to how the onboard computer work or connected to the internet, etc. The tech seemed lost, after spending 2 hours on the shop he finally figured it out after having numerous conversations with Stromer support... But I will be contacting Stromer (Joel) again and I will let him know about this persistent issue
As someone who has spent >10hrs a day for a month on the bike, I have come understand several subtle things about the torque sensor.

There is a simple fix that eliminates the reduced power output.
We'll share when I'm on the desktop.
As someone who has spent >10hrs a day for a month on the bike, I have come understand several subtle things about the torque sensor.

There is a simple fix that eliminates the reduced power output.
We'll share when I'm on the desktop.

Please share and if possible inbox the info for me plz...
On my Cross Current the 'dead feeling' when pulling away from stops is resolved by spinning the pedals backwards to re-zero the torque sensor.
Well, not sure what's going on with my ST2, I have tried to play with the configurations settings. Trying out just about every option to suit my driving style and habits. However, and this is strange. When I am riding the bike, pedaling away, it seems like when I pedal something is not flowing smoothly. Feels like a magnet or probably the motor is holding itself back. For example, it feels like its applying its brake or regen mode, it's quite frustrating indeed and this shouldnt' be happening.

At times I have to use extra force to pedal and get the motor going because the motor or ? is not functioning as it should. The motor seems hesitant, holds itself back, applying pressure or brakes. Its like pedaling and the brakes are being applied at the same time. Weird! I have removed the battery, reset it, etc etc. and this issue keeps happening so what can be wrong with a brand new bike???

This is sad and I am sure frustrating...I have had this happen to me a couple of times (in approx 600 miles) when out riding. I simply stopped, shut the bike off for a minute or two, then started up again, and the problem disappeared? (figured the electrical gremlins were out and unhappy for some reason...) I'm still not sure that I understand the Omni app, but my sense of it is that any configuration you might set up works only in level 2?? I would do a factory reset, then play a bit with the torque level settings to see if you could make the problem disappear. Pedal in a really low torque setting, then a bit higher and so on. I wouldn't bet on it solving the problem, but it might be worth a try. My other thought would be to contact Stromer and check with them about the problem. It might be something as simple as replacing the torque sensor or sending your bike new firmware. Whatever the case, I can empathize with your problem and hope that a solution is near at hand...
This is sad and I am sure frustrating...I have had this happen to me a couple of times (in approx 600 miles) when out riding. I simply stopped, shut the bike off for a minute or two, then started up again, and the problem disappeared? (figured the electrical gremlins were out and unhappy for some reason...) I'm still not sure that I understand the Omni app, but my sense of it is that any configuration you might set up works only in level 2?? I would do a factory reset, then play a bit with the torque level settings to see if you could make the problem disappear. Pedal in a really low torque setting, then a bit higher and so on. I wouldn't bet on it solving the problem, but it might be worth a try. My other thought would be to contact Stromer and check with them about the problem. It might be something as simple as replacing the torque sensor or sending your bike new firmware. Whatever the case, I can empathize with your problem and hope that a solution is near at hand...

Funny part that I have it on the lowest of the lowest level setting. I have played the settings on countless occasions figure that I would try the lowest setting and the issue still persist
I think I have a version of this, too. Very hard to pin down or re-create at will at the shop. I wish the bike had debug logging that could be turned up and used to diagnose.
I am picking up my bike shortly, tech rode it, felt both issues, ran diags NTF, reset torque sensor, says it seems to be working my turn to try . He thinks if it still is showing symptoms after i try it the torque sensor is an issue. He felt the delay from stand still even after it passed diags but before he reset the sensor.