ST1 X - Support answer after 2X controller & 1XTMM sensor changed in 7 month


New Member
Hi All,

I'm surprised by the answer I received from Stromer support.
According to me this is not a respectful and relevant answer coming from a customer service.
The fact that my dealer is bored by the unreliability of the component provided by Stromer let me think Stromer bike are not so reliable.

The message I sent to Stromer through Stromer website :

Hello, I bought a ST1 X 8 month ago. After 6000 km rided, the supplier change the TMM once and the controler twice in 7 month.
Is it possible to speak to somebody to find a solution to avoid that kind of issue in the future ?

The answer I received from Stromer :

Dear Mr. LM,

Thanks for your message.

None of this components should be faulty several times in a row, we found your bike according to your mail address and found 3 warranty requests (2X controller & 1XTMM Sensor).
In the world of electronics, it can unfortunately happen that a component suddenly does not work anymore.

There can be several reasons for this.

Our warranty is set in a period of time: (Link Removed - No Longer Exists)

We have 50,000 end-user bikes worldwide, so dealers are responsible for their care.
This is common in both the vehicle and the bicycle industry.

Your dealer can get in touch with our technical support if needed.

Thanks for your understanding.

MB| Customer Service

myStromer AG

Freiburgstrasse 798 | CH-3173 Oberwangen
our dealer can get in touch with our technical support if needed.

This is the correct and professional response. They don't get involved with end user support in a direct way and for that they have dealers. Stromer is not an online E-bike company.
Your point of contact should be the dealer you got it from. Stromer will coordinate with your dealer to fix any issue. If there are no dealer nearby and you need parts then they may help you.
This is the correct and professional response. They don't get involved with end user support in a direct way and for that they have dealers. Stromer is not an online E-bike company.
Your point of contact should be the dealer you got it from. Stromer will coordinate with your dealer to fix any issue. If there are no dealer nearby and you need parts then they may help you.

Your answer make sense but from this other side my dealer told me they are not the manufacturer so there are not responsible for these issues.
I use that bike as I use my car but with my car I didn't went to the dealer 3 time in 7 month due to electronic issue.
Should I wait next issue without saying anything ?
controller 2x in 8 months? Not good. Since there's no lemon laws with respect to ebikes, consumers need to watch this and vote with their pocketbooks. It is inexcusable for electronics to fail time and time again. It smacks of poor QA and poor quality. Thankfully my stromers have been somewhat trouble free.

OP, keep us informed.
controller 2x in 8 months? Not good.

It's rare to an ST2 controller go wrong.
The OP has ridden 6000km or ~3750 miles in 8 months. That is a significant mileage.

Hello, I bought a ST1 X 8 month ago. After 6000 km rided, the supplier change the TMM once and the controler twice in 7 month.
Is it possible to speak to somebody to find a solution to avoid that kind of issue in the future ?

Are you riding mostly in level 3? at high speeds?
All 6000 km on smooth roads or gravel roads?

I am beginning to wonder if you picked the right tool for your job?
Well, it is unfortunate that you have had 2 controllers replaced. That doesn't sound good. But ST2 platform has a very robust controller made a Canadian company called ASI. The GRIN phase runner controller is based on the same ASI board.
Check this out: (Link Removed - No Longer Exists)

My own experience involving few Stromer bikes spanning 15,000+ miles tells me that there is something wrong here. Either the ST1-X controller is significantly different from ST2 or it was installed incorrectly leading poor QC issues and your frustration.
If this happens again, you may want to request a full-bike replacement or same day turnaround for warranty repair.
This is the correct and professional response. They don't get involved with end user support in a direct way and for that they have dealers. Stromer is not an online E-bike company.
Your point of contact should be the dealer you got it from.

I fully agree with this; as we see from Stormer website, they do every effort to get the customer in contact with a local dealer.

Is it possible to speak to somebody to find a solution to avoid that kind of issue in the future ?

I understand your honest wish. The problem is, that identifying failures and their reason is a very time consuming business. I've often discussed with Stromer engineers, they have tough questions, eg:

  • was war, bevor der Fehler auftrat?
  • wie wurde der Fehler bemerkt?
  • welche Auswirkungen hat der Fehler?
  • sind andere Komponenten betroffen?
  • was wurde versucht, um den Fehler zu beheben?
  • konnte der Fehler behoben werden?
and at the dealer:
  • war der Fehler noch vorhanden?
  • ist er permanent?
  • konnte er reproduziert werden?
  • wie wurde er eingegrenzt?
  • aus welchen Gründen wurde welches Bauteil ersetzt?

and at the HQ:
  • was sagt die Fehlerliste aus dem Akku?
  • was sagt der Händlerbericht?
  • lassen sich die defekten Teile im HQ testen?
  • treten beim Test Fehler auf?
And overall, they ask himself: Was the reported error an exception? Or is the error systemic? Is only one batch affected? This will end up in a checks and balances review: Is it worth to investigate deeply or is a simple replacement the way to do?

Regarding your case: The most cases for failure at the TMM are mechanical issues in relation to work at the rear wheel (replacing tires, repairing a flat). But often not the TMM is defective, he just sends wrong values. This is often the consequence of improper calibration. Calibration is done automatically, but can also be triggered over the menu.

The sole thing I can recommend is: Write a detailed error report here in the Stromer Forum.If someone in the community had the same issues, he will respond. That's a good starting point for a high level debate.

Thank you very much for all your answers.
To give you an idea of my way of riding, I'm 48 year old, I teach design in Geneva, I'm wear helmet and the bike display it official numberplate, with insurance.
I never make any mechanical on the bike, every thing is done by the dealer.
This bike was for me the opportunity to set a challenge to me, do sport every day and be ecological.
I ride the bike only if the weather is dry, however sometime I have to come back with rainy weather.
The bike sleep inside, I have 2 battery charger, on at home, one at work.

Are you riding mostly in level 3? at high speeds?
All 6000 km on smooth roads or gravel roads?

I ride alway level 2 on smooth roads, all the time, the same road every day.
High speed during 13 Miles, 24 mph average on this section, flat road, countryside.
Then 6 Miles where the average slow down due to town and bike path.
the average for the 3700 Miles rided is 20,5 Mph.

I am beginning to wonder if you picked the right tool for your job?

Today I think Stromer bike are the only ebike allowing such a distance every day with such level of comfort (even if they are "hard" bike in term of sensation)

egarding your case: The most cases for failure at the TMM are mechanical issues in relation to work at the rear wheel (replacing tires, repairing a flat). But often not the TMM is defective, he just sends wrong values. This is often the consequence of improper calibration. Calibration is done automatically, but can also be triggered over the menu.

The story of this bike started with powerloss, I went to my dealer and a commercial guy told me it was an overheated issue. At 7:00 AM, 15 °C, and without any OMNI message I was more than septical. Then I asked to see a technician, the guy told me :"I know what it is, stromer disease ..." He showed me how to calibrate the TMM. The next day I had to calibrate the TMM every day, sometime 2/3 a ride. I went back to the dealer asking to change the TMM. They did it without any discussion. After that event, I started to be suspicious regarding the dealer.
To close that part, nothing has been done (replacing tires, repairing a flat), only ride.

The sole thing I can recommend is: Write a detailed error report here in the Stromer Forum. If someone in the community had the same issues, he will respond. That's a good starting point for a high level debate.

I have a colleague at work who have the ST1 X, model 2018 - Last time I checked his log file => empty.
my ST1 X, model 2017 log file is full of error ...
I will pick up my bike tomorrow, will give you some error code.

Thank you,