I have a 48 volt - 1000 watt e-bike motor (I don't know the manufacturer), that I would like to put on my handicapped daughters adult tricycle to make her life easier. When I had it on my Bike, It will move at about 25-30 MPH. Since she is handicapped, I would like to know if anyone knows how I can limit her speed to about 5-10 MPH.
I am kinda handy with electronics and I am thinking a resistor in line with the thumb throttle (since its only a potentiometer). Can anyone tell me what size resistor I can use to accomplish this, or maybe another idea.. THANKS!!
I am kinda handy with electronics and I am thinking a resistor in line with the thumb throttle (since its only a potentiometer). Can anyone tell me what size resistor I can use to accomplish this, or maybe another idea.. THANKS!!