Unfortunately, there are few stem options for the 5.0. The OEM stem on mine is 75mm @ 14deg and I recently found an 80mm@35deg stem that the stem calculator showed would raise the bars by 24mm and set them back 16mm, which sounded perfect. I installed it and found it to work well as far as bar position, but it was not usable in the end because the stack height was 42mm vs the OEM 40mm. On a FutureShock bike, you can only use a 40mm stack stem because the top of the stem has to be flush with the top of the FutureShock or else that special threaded top cap won't go on! IOW, the stem would work OK on a 4.0 but not the 5.0.

Here's a photo of the installed stem (the top cap is just setting in place since the threads won't reach).
View attachment 127170
Also note that some sort of adapter is needed for mounting the headlight vs. the one that's built into the OEM stem. Stems can also be raised by adding spacers, but it looks like the bike came with the maximum of three 15mm shims already installed.
I was able to return the stem and managed to find an 80mm@30deg stem with a 40mm stack that doesn't change the position as much but might be enough for what I'm looking for. However, I'd like to hear what your bike shop tells you.