Easy way to track rider power (Pr) graphically over time?
Never had a Pr meter before and am now fascinated by the Pr data my SL 5.0 reports. Have no formal training aspirations whatsoever, but the SL's definitely making me a stronger rider, and I'd like to see how that plays out over time.
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The most-used page by far on my Mastermind TCU is the one I made to show assist mode and real-time Pr and cadence. And I now eagerly look over my Pr stats in the Specialized app after every ride.
Would love to track my average and adjusted average (normalized?) Pr on a graph in some semi-automated way. Could always enter Specialized app data into a spreadsheet manually on a ride-by-ride basis. But with 60+ rides already recorded, that'd be way too much work.
I see that the Specialized app will upload ride data to a Strava or Komoot account automatically.
Q1. Will it upload past rides, too?
Q2. If yes to Q1, all past rides at once, or only one selected ride at a time?
Q3. Will Strava or Komoot plot Pr over time for me?
Q4. If yes to Q3, would I need a paid subscription for that?
Please bear in mind that I have no compelling use for Strava or Komoot beyond this one tracking and plotting task. Ditto for a Wahoo or Garmin computer.
Any other plotting options to consider? Thanks!