Specialized Turbo - No Security Features Working and now No App Connection.....fixed.

No. That doesn't work. Once the new app connects to the bike it flashes a new programme to the BMS to lock out all comms via bluetooth with any other app. It is over for BLEVo. This is the official announcement from BLEVo
See link https://www.emtbforums.com/threads/blevo-game-over-with-mastermind-tcu.227
James, it is not necessarily so (I know the statement of Paolo Dozio).

When I found the Specialized App underbaked, I also found making it the Companion App denied any access to BLEvo. What I did was uninstalling the Specialized App, "forgetting" the Bluetooth connection, and pairing my Vado with the phone again. Now, BLEvo works with my older Vado. Moreover, reinstalling the Specialized App but taking care not to make it a Companion App again allows me using either BLEvo or SA (one app at a time). FYI, my Vado electronics are equivalent to 2020 Vado 6.0, which is a non-standard Specialized e-bike (45 km/h or 28 mph).
Necessary to mention: Paolo Dozio's message explains that BLEvo would not work with the new Mastermind e-bikes because Mastermind has its Bluetooth channel encrypted.

James, it is not necessarily so (I know the statement of Paolo Dozio).

When I found the Specialized App underbaked, I also found making it the Companion App denied any access to BLEvo. What I did was uninstalling the Specialized App, "forgetting" the Bluetooth connection, and pairing my Vado with the phone again. Now, BLEvo works with my older Vado. Moreover, reinstalling the Specialized App but taking care not to make it a Companion App again allows me using either BLEvo or SA (one app at a time). FYI, my Vado electronics are equivalent to 2020 Vado 6.0, which is a non-standard Specialized e-bike (45 km/h or 28 mph).
How do I make it forget the bluetooth connection.
After uninstalling the Specialized App.
You go to your phone Settings, Bluetooth, identify the WSBC Serial Number of the e-bike in the list of connections, tap the name and select "Forget" or "Unpair". This is how it works on Android.

Next, you restart your phone, revisit Settings/Bluetooth, identify your e-bike in the list of available connection and try pairing it. You would probably get a message "App is required" or something similar. You go to BLEvo and Seach for the Bike. At some point you might be asked to enter the PIN.
And how do I stop it becoming a companion app?
At the best, do not re-install the Specialized App. If you must do it, one of the first messages SA issues is "Make Specialized App a Companion App?" which you shall deny.

The details might vary for your phone or e-bike but that's how it generally works.

I think the new app flashes a Mastermind TCU status to the battery so hence the possibility it blocks other bluetooth connections.
I don't think so. My two older Specialized e-bikes didn't get any update from the Specialized App. Yes, Bluetooth was temporarily blocked by the Specialized App. It is because making the SA the Companion App reserves the Bluetooth channel for the exclusive use by SA.
I sent a help request to Specialized.com in the USA. They referred it back to Specialized tech UK who emailed me promptly asking for further details. I sent the following report of our observations to them.

1. In order to connect any of the batteries including the new one, I have to "add a bike". Selecting an existing bike does not work - it does not connect.
2. When I connect the new battery the "tune" settings are saved no matter how many times I go in and out of the "tune" page on the app. This is expected behaviour.
3. With both my old batteries, if I go to the "tune" page and adjust the settings and then leave the page, when I go back in sometimes the settings are the same, sometimes they are different. Usually after going in on the 3rd time the settings are all fully reset to the highest values so I'm confident that these settings are not holding even after the first time.
4. On the home page under "Bike Status" it lists "Firmware status". When I enter this page there is a status under "System" which I presume is the firmware status (?) but there is no option to flash new firmware. Perhaps this was an option on the previous app?

It would seem that there is a hardware problem with the old batteries possibly related to the firmware which possibly needs to be upgraded. However as per point 4 there is no way for a user of the app to push a firmware update for the batteries.

Today I had the following reply from Specialized UK
Thanks for the Info, at the moment the only update I have been given is that it is the process of being updated in the app for gen one bikes to be connected, but have no time line as yet.

So, Specialized accept there is an issue with Gen 1 bikes/batteries which has escaped their attention so far. Given that there must be thousands of Gen1 Levos still in regular use there is a likelihood that this is a potentially massive problem waiting to reveal itself in the coming months. Or, I may have two batteries that just coincidentally are malfunctioning as regards the connection with the new app and settings.

Concluding: For now, anyone with a Gen1 Levo should not connect their bike with the new Specialized (black) app. Stick with your current tune settings and just try using BLEVo app if you need to tune a bike. To do otherwise is to risk making your bike redundant.
I will run an update as and when I hear more from Specialized
As mentioned in previous posts if you connect to your Gen 1 bike using the latest Specialized app your blue tooth channel will be blocked for connecting to BLEVo
Further Update
It has been about a month now without any further update from Specialized Uk customer care so I'm not hopeful of any assistance. However I have found a 'work round' for anyone caught out with the new 'Mission Control' app not working with Gen 1 Levo's. Here's how I managed to get my tune settings reconfigured again. I had an old phone in my drawer from a few years ago. I charged it up and it had the old Red logo Mission Control app on it which I could still use to connect to my Bluetooth.
To use this method it is important that your old phone does not connect to WiFi because you must avoid signing into your Specialized account online otherwise it will force the new app on you and you may not successfully then be able to Tune your Gen1 Levo. Also, turn off Auto Update Apps in your phone settings, otherwise the new app may be loaded without you knowing.
So , keep an old phone with the old Mission Control app for Tuning purposes and forget about using the new app.

It may be that Specialized may want to make older emtb's redundant or they may have a genuine glitch in the software which remains unresolved. Time will tell.
It may be that Specialized may want to make older emtb's redundant or they may have a genuine glitch in the software which remains unresolved. Time will tell.

most likely both, lol. they’re mostly aware of all the issues caused by various combinations of bike version, firmware version, and apps but have deemed it a low priority to fix problems that, left unresolved, might encourage the purchased of new bikes 🤣
most likely both, lol. they’re mostly aware of all the issues caused by various combinations of bike version, firmware version, and apps but have deemed it a low priority to fix problems that, left unresolved, might encourage the purchased of new bikes 🤣
I'd rather use the old Mission Control anyway. As far as Tuning goes the old interface is more intuitive and straightforward to use. Updated software rarely offers more advantage to the user. New software is across the board is a 'pay more or get locked out proposition'
most likely both, lol. they’re mostly aware of all the issues caused by various combinations of bike version, firmware version, and apps but have deemed it a low priority to fix problems that, left unresolved, might encourage the purchased of new bikes 🤣
Or discourage!

5 minutes later the same CS rep called me and asked me to go back to the garage. He said when the matching pins appear at both TCU and phone....press the + button on the handlebar remote. I did so.....then I hit "pair" on the phone....and WAMMO everything works!
I was on the road today and stopped to use the new app on my Vado 3.0 to reset the Tune function and the app connected to the TCU from my Android phone just fine, but since I've arrived back at home it will not connect: "Connection Failed."

I tried the steps that worked for mfgrep (see quote above), and my phone and the TCU do get paired (they shared the came blue tooth code and I can see the little connection link icon on the bottom left of the TCU, but the still connection fails every time.

Lesson learned: what works for one person may not work for you. I still have a lot to learn, but I at least know it can be done.
I liked MC but been using Specialized app now since MC is not supported here in USA and it works ok I am still learning about it and how to use it.
I ride a 2015 Turbo-X. Mission Control asks to install and use the Specialized app. As noted above, the app does not work with older Turbos, Turbo-X's, and Turbo-S's. All functionality in the Mission Control app is gone except for reporting the charge percent. Specialized could have left MIssion Control alone for older Turbo users. Rather they disabled it with the clear goal of pushing users to buy a new Specialized Turbo ebike.
Dus mijn laatste Vado...een full power 4.0 werkte perfect. Hij verbond met de Specialized App en alle functies werkten perfect.
Gisteren parkeerde ik mijn auto bij een supermarkt en toen ik in de app naar 'Beveiliging' ging, waren alle opties grijs gemarkeerd met de tekst 'Systeemvergrendeling: ga naar uw winkelier om een update uit te voeren en toegang te krijgen tot de vergrendelingsfunctie'.
Houd er rekening mee dat de beveiligingsfuncties al 10 dagen operationeel zijn.

Dus ik bracht de fiets naar de verkoper. Ze hebben de fiets geüpdatet (3 keer). Ze krabden zich achter de oren. Ze hebben het internet afgespeurd. Ze vroegen me beleefd om later terug te komen.

Vandaag heb ik Specialized gebeld...meerdere keren. We hebben alles geprobeerd, inclusief het verwijderen van mijn beide Turbo-fietsen van de bluetooth van mijn telefoon. Beide fietsen verwijderen uit de Specialized-app. Beide fietsen opnieuw toevoegen aan de app. De app verwijderen en de app opnieuw downloaden...en vervolgens de fietsen opnieuw toevoegen aan de app.

Mijn oudere Vado SL linkte vrij snel en werkte. Het werkte eerlijk gezegd eerder.
Mijn nieuwe Vado 4.0 zou het door de computer verstrekte pinnummer tonen op zowel TCU als op mijn telefoon....maar als ik op "pair" drukte.....kwam er "incorrect pin" te staan. Let wel, ik heb geen pin toegevoegd...HIJ GAF de pin(s) en vroeg of ze overeenkwamen.
Uiteindelijk schakelde Spesh een Turbo-technicus in die mij terug zou bellen voor meer hulp bij het oplossen van problemen.

5 minuten later belde dezelfde CS-vertegenwoordiger me en vroeg me om terug te gaan naar de garage. Hij zei dat als de overeenkomende pinnen verschijnen bij zowel TCU als telefoon....druk op de + knop op de afstandsbediening van het stuur. Dat deed ik.....toen klikte ik op "pair" op de telefoon....en WAMMO alles werkt!

Het is VOLLEDIGE bullshit dat Spesh deze apps niet heeft werkend om makkelijk te koppelen met de fietsen en ik kan me alleen maar voorstellen hoeveel uren velen hebben verspild. Oude mensen die dit proberen te doen?...fuhgettaboutit.
De vertegenwoordiger van Spesh gaf toe dat sommige app-functies nog niet klaar zijn voor primetime. Ik heb medelijden met de retailers die met deze turbo-app-computerproblemen te maken hebben. Het moet echt een p in de a voor ze zijn.

Ik hoop dat dit een arme ziel in een vergelijkbare situatie kan helpen.