Specialized site temporarily showed massive price increase for Turbo E-Bikes


New Member
The price for the Turbo Como 5.0 IGH is $5,750. Late yesterday evening, the website showed the price as $7,999, along with a few additional, less-expensive models. The Turbo Vado showed similar price increases, but I don't remember the specifics for the Vado. This morning, the site for the Como is back to what it was before, with the prices and models as before.

I'm curious if this is a planned increase that was inadvertently made public.

A friend suggested those prices may be for a different region. I had not switched regions before, but just did to show Australia $8,300 and New Zealand $6,800. But Canada is $7999 so maybe they inadvertently used the Canadian site for the US. I definitely did not switch regions when I saw $7,999.
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probably a glitch. gradual price increases for sure, but not a sudden jump like that. they wouldn't be competitive with trek etc.
Yup - once I realized it was a temporary glitch where the Canada page had been used for the US page, I tried to delete the post but couldn't so I edited it to add the additional information. Much ado about nothing. After several years of not posting, not the best way to get back involved.
Yup - once I realized it was a temporary glitch where the Canada page had been used for the US page, I tried to delete the post but couldn't so I edited it to add the additional information. Much ado about nothing. After several years of not posting, not the best way to get back involved.
You asked a question, and then you answered your own question. No stupid questions in my book so no harm, no foul.