New Member
Received this bike July 19
I think they went the fuse replacement route is because its real expensive to ship a battery. Usually it is considered dangerous goods and cannot be shipped by air at least because you need to be a certified dangerous goods shipper. If you did ship it with the appropriate shipping company I bet it would cost a lot.
Did you actually remove the fuse? You can check it yourself with a simple multi-meter.
If you see your speed limit restricted then it could be something very simple. I would check the speedo indicator against a GPS unit. Plus or minus 10% is probably well within the range of your speedometer. When I take your speed of 30.8 and your desired speed of 32 it is actually -5.6% less.
With the controller that I have (Cycle Analyst) I can actually measure of my front tire dimensions to adjust the speedo. Easy to do. Just marked a spot and lay down a measuring tape and then roll the bike until its done a full rotation. Take the circumference that I measured in m.m. and input this value into Cycle Analyst. You may want to try this. Do a little bit of math and figure out if the circumference of your tires are exactly the dimension that will give you your speed that is indicated. A little bit the thinking but its like our automobiles sometimes even changing the tires with have a dramatic effect on the indicted speed.
So the question is why did it blow? You said that you removed the battery because you parked and took it with you. The question I would want answered is pretty simple. Is it possible that some how the terminals touched some metal or something conductive when you were transporting it? I would think not because the battery terminals are most likely buried within it's casing but look in over carefully. Was the battery dropped as you were transporting or experienced a sudden blow like dropping it out of a bag on to a concrete surface?
Also, if there were some issues internally with the circuitry maybe upon close examination, you can figure out if it shorter out. Look for unusual marks on the circuit board. You said it wasn't anchored down and appeared to be loose. Check this board and look for black marks like those that would be caused by sparking as in the case of a momentary short circuit.
I would look this over carefully before installing a new fuse. In the meantime, be careful with this battery. I would very cautious about keeping it close to anything that you wouldn't want to go up in flames...your house!
Just be thorough here and trying to be constructive.
Finally, if it is not the battery then check all your external connections.
They should have sent you a battery. I WAS considering a Spark purchase but not anymore. Whatever happened to customer service? Their website is crappy and full of BS, some things just plain didn't even make sense. I doubt if they're bike people. Good luck.
Did you ever get your speed issue figured out? I'm considering this bike as well.
Nope, they said they’d get back to me and never did. Still maxes out at 30.8 km/hr under throttle. Or if I try pedal assist with very little pedal torque it still maxes out at that. Only way to get above is to push HARD on the pedals which is unsustainable and that only gets me to 33 or so (anything above 32 and the motor cuts out so it’s all you at that point)