Well-Known Member
man sometimes you got to say no. Wanted the display on my bosch based bike upgraded so I get more info and I know how much power I am using, We have a great e bike shop in town I bought the bike and the upgrade kit from them and I had them do the upgrade. The tube the wires go through was so small that they had to tear the bike part to get the new wire through, they had to remove the motor (that's expected) run a full diagnostic on it then put the new display in. all that took 3 hours only to find it wont work. Now they are have to contact bosch to see if they have any idea's. they cant just put it back together it would take just as long. so no bike for maybe a week. got to see how much a rental would cost. I would have to use my seat I cant ride any other seat without issues. this is going to be an expensive upgrade. I ride 25 miles a day commuting on that bike it has kept me from having to ride the bus.