Something cheaper?


Well-Known Member
Is there any reason a regular fractional HP drive belt system for a bicycle could not be fabricated?, the cost of some components are next to appalling and if something is say 95% as good for half the price, has anything like this been tried? I am sure there would be slippage problems using higher torque motors, etc.' I am wondering why there couldn't be an electric coupling and drive system for bicycles, with modern batteries and capacitors being as advanced as they are now and why could not the transmission and drive motor be built together? Just curious as good as the systems are now there seems to be room for improvement, seems like we are "gilding the Lily", at times with cost being no object.
You can buy an eBike from Walmart for $500 or less. That’s certainly not a gilded Lily. There are kits that do exactly what you suggest, but still use a chain. The bike will loudly and slowly move under electrical power for maybe 10 miles. That’s nothing I want.
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Is there any reason a regular fractional HP drive belt system for a bicycle could not be fabricated?, the cost of some components are next to appalling and if something is say 95% as good for half the price, has anything like this been tried? I am sure there would be slippage problems using higher torque motors, etc.' I am wondering why there couldn't be an electric coupling and drive system for bicycles, with modern batteries and capacitors being as advanced as they are now and why could not the transmission and drive motor be built together? Just curious as good as the systems are now there seems to be room for improvement, seems like we are "gilding the Lily", at times with cost being no object.
It’s always interesting to me that people want an ebike for less than you can buy a high-end analog bike.
There could be a “an electric coupling and drive system for bicycles” but the research/development/manufacturing of such a system is clearly something more expensive to bring to market. And probably more expensive to service.
You all misconstrue my post,There is no reason a belt drive has to be that expensive we have had vbelt drives for over a century now and there was really no reason to wait on "Carbon fibre" a chain is a messy beast and I suppose if roller chains were that superlative there would have been no reason for timing belts or HD belt drive motorcycles and if you are going too have an EBIKE in the first place I see no reason why an effective genset drive system could be developed( there is already something similar on one of those mini-bike looking things. Nobody is trying to "Low -Ball" that much some of you Guys seemingly have plenty of money to spare,I just believe 6K is outside the resources of most people with a limited income
With electronics being at this stage now, high power mosfets ,diodes, PCs do not have to be that expensive these days with the advent of super powerful magnets, motors and generators can be very reasonable price the skys the limit so to speak if most people are content with a chain and cassette, then basically that is what we will have
On my proposed pure electric ebike( with no chain) the electronics take care of the amount of effort one has to put out pedaling or no effort at all with the option of a wide range of power and speed, the capacitors would take care of blasting off the line and the main battery could be sized to whatever capacity one desires, one day other drive systems will at least have parity with the amount of "chain driven bikes" .The good thing about the pure electric drive will be"heirloom" quality not everybody likes to fiddle with chains and cassettes or even "freewheels" for that matter. For those that do. more power to them and there will still be advancements on that end.
Chains and sprockets are 19 th Century tech. Plus the airless tire will be making more inroads as well.
One day I hope to have a "Cybertruck" sitting on "Twheels".
I hate chains on motorcycles but that is the standard. I also hate chains on bicycles but again, that's the standard. Just stay on top of the chain. It only takes a few minutes and you don't have to do it all the time. And what do you consider expensive? My ebike was $1200 delivered and it lives up to all my expectations. Maybe in 10 more years your dream ebike will be affordable. Me, I spent the money and enjoying mine right now, complicated chain and all!
Each to His own , I guess 1200$ is pocket change to you, to Folks in my bracket it takes a little planning,.Besides this wasn't a "cheap off" I was just wondering why the 19 th Century tech is still vogue( fun putting a dropped chain back on s derailler when you have no gloves or anything to clean your hands with) the wheel has been reinvented so many times so to speak, its kind of like ICE tech, I wanted no dream bike I just think things can change maybe for the better what bothers me is things like these slight improvements that cost hundreds of dollars and why does a stinkin' belt drive have to cost so much? Elon Musk proves time and time again things can be done better, with His imagination we may actually have a "space program" again. No one ever considers making part of the battery system part of the frame( Ions move the same way no matter were the metal or coulombic element is, think outside the box, complacency creates "stale tech" that costs a lot of money. Sometimes I am glad people get restless and try out new ideas or venture into unknown territory.
If I have ruffled feathers I apologize, not everyone likes my ideas( my current passion is to get more bike trails and Ebike allowed trails in this area, I suppose a lot of "Higher -ups" do not like this either, so be it) I used to ruffle feathers because I was curious,I suppose now I will just rest on the status quo and never try to expand or move things in another direction"Because as was once said(paraphrase)" Everything that can be invented has already been invented{ Around the same time our current Industrail Revolution was posed to take off unabashedly to the future}
Each to His own , I guess 1200$ is pocket change to you, to Folks in my bracket it takes a little planning,.Besides this wasn't a "cheap off" I was just wondering why the 19 th Century tech is still vogue( fun putting a dropped chain back on s derailler when you have no gloves or anything to clean your hands with) the wheel has been reinvented so many times so to speak, its kind of like ICE tech, I wanted no dream bike I just think things can change maybe for the better what bothers me is things like these slight improvements that cost hundreds of dollars and why does a stinkin' belt drive have to cost so much? Elon Musk proves time and time again things can be done better, with His imagination we may actually have a "space program" again. No one ever considers making part of the battery system part of the frame( Ions move the same way no matter were the metal or coulombic element is, think outside the box, complacency creates "stale tech" that costs a lot of money. Sometimes I am glad people get restless and try out new ideas or venture into unknown territory.
If I have ruffled feathers I apologize, not everyone likes my ideas( my current passion is to get more bike trails and Ebike allowed trails in this area, I suppose a lot of "Higher -ups" do not like this either, so be it) I used to ruffle feathers because I was curious,I suppose now I will just rest on the status quo and never try to expand or move things in another direction"Because as was once said(paraphrase)" Everything that can be invented has already been invented{ Around the same time our current Industrail Revolution was posed to take off unabashedly to the future}
Not into ruffling feathers here either, and I learned long ago to step aside and watch rather than say "that's not going to work".

That in mind, if you have an idea, go for it. If you'd like to discuss one, get specific rather than talk about your goals. There's nothing unique about your goals. They're in common with many others that are interested in finding less expensive ways, or more efficient ways, to propel ANYTHING, including bikes. -Al
Not into ruffling feathers here either, and I learned long ago to step aside and watch rather than say "that's not going to work".

That in mind, if you have an idea, go for it. If you'd like to discuss one, get specific rather than talk about your goals. There's nothing unique about your goals. They're in common with many others that are interested in finding less expensive ways, or more efficient ways, to propel ANYTHING, including bikes. -Al
Thank you, there isn't much time,I always love to hear other Peoples sound ideas( actually I was looking on EBAY at a $700+ bike which I planned to modify on down the road,I already have a complete Hallomoter system coming and its 1HP(750 watts) and was going to make it a single gearset with an "Ultrarange-for top speed and climbing. 22 mph is plenty for me, the 11 tooth high gear would give me great speed on the level and slight down slope, plus the Hallomotor kit allows for regen( just to save the brakes on the murderous hills around here and a t 52# its about on par with other things, even at that its 30# lighter than my current bike{have it sold hopefully" } was Looking at the EUNORAU full suspension( other bike hurt my bad "C" discs, I believe with a suspension seat post and front fork it would be tolerable, the other Bike I looked at was the "Prague" by NCM 29" variety, if the 350 watt motor didn't have enough grunt I was going to swap the wheel and electronics with the 750 watt kit, even though its a 27.5 kit I believe it would work with frame and front wheel on the "Prague, the prague has a fairly decent battery already'
Alright, specifics, does this sound feasable?( need to get a dead tree cut up, we had some snow and high wind last night( is this finally going to be a normal winter?)
Nothing is impossible if you are prepared to spend the time to research and find the components. There are a lot more people in China to look for these things though, plus a huge manufacturing base, hence all the 'conversion kits' A US$100 helper kit is fine (well its probably not, but if you have low expectations, a light rider weight and a low mileage use it may be OK), but you still need a charge and a battery so its really a US$300 minimum, plus the donor bike.

The Walmart one at $400 is at least a complete solution, sure its low end components but its integrated and carries a warranty - for occasional leisure riders wanting to cover <20 mile rides its quite a reasonable option - i'm talking joe public buyers here, not enthusiastic cyclists !

There's nothing to stop anyone machining their own belt sprockets to suit a belt, and to fit to a rear hub or mid drive motor system.
Nothing is impossible if you are prepared to spend the time to research and find the components. There are a lot more people in China to look for these things though, plus a huge manufacturing base, hence all the 'conversion kits' A US$100 helper kit is fine (well its probably not, but if you have low expectations, a light rider weight and a low mileage use it may be OK), but you still need a charge and a battery so its really a US$300 minimum, plus the donor bike.

The Walmart one at $400 is at least a complete solution, sure its low end components but its integrated and carries a warranty - for occasional leisure riders wanting to cover <20 mile rides its quite a reasonable option - i'm talking joe public buyers here, not enthusiastic cyclists !

There's nothing to stop anyone machining their own belt sprockets to suit a belt, and to fit to a rear hub or mid drive motor system.
Strangely enough I could probably make a 4 spd fractional HP belt system,(However! there is no reason to reinvent the wheel) I could buy a 3 spd 26 " wheelset with(solid tires for a little over $100, the thing is its probably pointless with the premade stuff that is already available)