Sold my motorcycle. Waiting for my ebike to arrive

Urban Coyote

I sold my Honda 300 motorcycle last night and I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my Radrover next month.
I decided I want to slow down and explore the local paths and places where a motorcycle can’t go, and at a slower, more
human pace. I’m getting older and I find walking very far too slow and tiring, and I’m hoping the ebike will be just right.
I was thinking how riding a motorcycle is isolating and unsocial, speeding along encased in riding gear and a full face helmet.
I’m looking forward to being able to stop and talk with people if I like, and gliding along quietly enjoying the world.
Others on EBR have had both, and commented how much they enjoy their Ebike, I am sure you will too.
And before long you might even start looking to upgrade with either new components or a more powerful motor, but a Rad is a great starter Ebike
Sorry not trying to talk negatively about ebikes or ebikers, but I found that motorcycle riders are more friendly and want to talk each other more.
I've made a few friends through motorcycles... ebikes, not so many.

I found that motorcycle people are more friendly in general.
This is strictly my personal observation.

Motorcycle Wave {Biker Sign Of Respect & When To Not Do It} - BikeBandit
Like any generalization about people, there is enough variation to drive me nuts. I haven't met many ebikers, and those I have met were self selected (EBR members are the best?). I have met a lot of motorcycle riders, and they vary as much as any other group. Mostly it's the time I met them and what's going on in their life, I suspect...
I rode motorcycles for a very long time, met a lot of people, but nothing prepared me for the interest people riding regular analog bicycles have for e-bikes when you stop at points of interest on a bike trail. Especially after the ice is broken, after somebody asks the first question. As soon as they hear you're willing to discuss your ride. 5 minute breaks can turn into hour long breaks...... Doesn't happen every time, but I'm no longer surprised when it does!
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Well said AHicks!
3 years cycling with ebikes and seems like I get questions and comments each ride. And getting comments from other ebike owners too. Seeing more and more of them as the weeks go by. Love watching for all the different types; anything fat tire folders to recumbents with add on kits.
It’s all great. 😎🚴🏼‍♀️👍
I sold my motorcycle last summer and bought my Rad Rover this spring. I think I've put more miles on the Rover that I put on the motorcycle
in the 3 years I owned it. The Rover is just way more fun and can go places the motorcycle couldn't. All that with no registration fees,inspection fees,or insurance fees plus it's quiet.
I have a 45+ year history with motorcycles, with a lot of touring. I've been on and off with bicycles since childhood, bought a RadRover a little more than a year ago, and I recently resurrected my 30 year old, dusty, mothballed Bonelli mountain bike that hasn't been ridden regularly in 15 years. These are my observations:
- Motorcyclists are friendly to each other.
- The general public is less likely to approach motorcyclists traveling in a group.
- When I was motorcycle touring alone (all over the USA and Canada), most people were friendly, and would often stop and chat. They were usually curious about where I was from,
where I had been, and where I was going. I have even ridden up to the gates of campgrounds with "No Motorcycles" signs, and registered without a hitch. This was far less likely when
motorcycle touring in a group.
- I've never received as much friendly attention as I have since acquiring the RadRover. People are constantly wanting to look at it and ask questions, and for me, it's a great excuse to
take a break and socialize.
- I've had friendly encounters with other eBikers, but we're not hanging out together or going on group rides. I could probably get something started, but I'm enjoying my solo rides and
random encounters with whoever I might run into, regardless of their mode of transportation.
"I've had friendly encounters with other eBikers, but we're not hanging out together or going on group rides."

I suspect that the main reason for that is because "hanging out together" these days can be bad for your health.
I don't feel the need to make friends while riding an ebike. I am free and empowered and enjoying life and scenery and fresh air.

Perhaps I am naturally a hermit.
My ebike gets around 100 miles a week on it, my scooter (Piaggio Liberty 150) now gets around 30 miles max a week. Eventually I'll sell the scooter and just ride the ebike to and from work. I wen't from rocket bikes down to scooters and now ebikes. Don't get me wrong, motorcycles have their place and I still enjoy taking one for a spin but I just enjoy the ebike much more now.
Sorry not trying to talk negatively about ebikes or ebikers, but I found that motorcycle riders are more friendly and want to talk each other more.
I've made a few friends through motorcycles... ebikes, not so many.

I found that motorcycle people are more friendly in general.
This is strictly my personal observation.

Motorcycle Wave {Biker Sign Of Respect & When To Not Do It} - BikeBandit
Don't mean to paint with a wide paintbrush but might be your bike crowd?

I mountain bike and fat tire. Some of the nicest people you could ever meet!
Friendly on the trails, at the trailhead, and the parking lot.
The friendliest days meeting other cyclists I ever had was when I least expected it.

Fat Tire biking on groomed trails at a cross country ski resort that advertises and caters to Fat Bike riders as well.

Each time I went to this resort there was other fat bike riders there typically in groups. Most of them were non-e riders so when they saw my setup (RWD Bionx) it brought me into the conversation and invited to join them at their table and ride with them as a group.

This was of course last winter before COVID. Not sure what this winter holds for all of us (fingers crossed). I suspect this year it will be even more prevalent for me as I will be riding my Pugsley 2WD setup and plan to bring my own friends to ride my Bionx RWD as well (COVID permitting of course).

I do make friends elsewhere and speak with strangers, mostly because my ebikes are DIY and reeeeeeeeeally stand out when parked at a coming soon I promise. For me, the winter riders were the most friendly bunch (maybe it's a Canadian thing, lol) and I hope to see them again this winter again.
The friendliest days meeting other cyclists I ever had was when I least expected it.

Fat Tire biking on groomed trails at a cross country ski resort that advertises and caters to Fat Bike riders as well.

Each time I went to this resort there was other fat bike riders there typically in groups. Most of them were non-e riders so when they saw my setup (RWD Bionx) it brought me into the conversation and invited to join them at their table and ride with them as a group.

This was of course last winter before COVID. Not sure what this winter holds for all of us (fingers crossed). I suspect this year it will be even more prevalent for me as I will be riding my Pugsley 2WD setup and plan to bring my own friends to ride my Bionx RWD as well (COVID permitting of course).

I do make friends elsewhere and speak with strangers, mostly because my ebikes are DIY and reeeeeeeeeally stand out when parked at a coming soon I promise. For me, the winter riders were the most friendly bunch (maybe it's a Canadian thing, lol) and I hope to see them again this winter again.
I think the shared passion beats the Canadian thing. But when I toured Canada just in a car, I found only friendly people .
I ride (so far) mostly for exercise on bike trails and enjoy the quiet. What I don’t care for is that many bike riders I pass or come upon feel it necessary to carry speakers turned up loud enough that I have to hear them from 50’-100‘ away. That or they're yelling into their phones while riding.🤨
Rode a lot of motorbikes in my life and sold my LAST one that I’ll ever own about a year ago. I used up 8.5 of my 9 lives without ever suffering any major injury but found drivers are increasingly distracted and it was just an accident waiting to happen.
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I sold my Honda 300 motorcycle last night and I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my Radrover next month.
I decided I want to slow down and explore the local paths and places where a motorcycle can’t go, and at a slower, more
human pace. I’m getting older and I find walking very far too slow and tiring, and I’m hoping the ebike will be just right.
I was thinking how riding a motorcycle is isolating and unsocial, speeding along encased in riding gear and a full face helmet.
I’m looking forward to being able to stop and talk with people if I like, and gliding along quietly enjoying the world.
I love motorcycling. I've owned 9 motorcycles since 1975: 3 Hondas including 1 Gold Wing, 1 Yamaha, 2 Harleys (Sportster and Super Glide), and 3 BMWs (man, I loved that R1200RT.) They were all great in their own way. I've ridden from coast to coast twice. For several years, I had a home therapy job covering a 5-county area, and was able to ride on the clock and was paid mileage to boot -- a motorcyclist's dream!

That being said, I don't own a motorbike now and I'm not sure I will again. Maybe I'll get the bug again, I don't know. I use my ebike for all the around-town riding I used to do on the motorbikes before.

Like you, I enjoy the human pace. I pretty much can't walk most of the places I ride to because (A) I live 5 miles out of town, and (B) I have COPD. So the ebike is perfect. It gives me the exercise I need to retain cardio conditioning (I turn the assistance down as low as possible, even 0 at times), but I can up the assistance if I get out of breath. I greatly enjoy sharing this with my wife, who loves her Pedego, and who wouldn't ride a motorcycle for love nor money, and we enjoy greeting the dog walkers, other cyclists, and occasional roller skater as we cruise through our neighborhood.
Sorry not trying to talk negatively about ebikes or ebikers, but I found that motorcycle riders are more friendly and want to talk each other more.
I've made a few friends through motorcycles... ebikes, not so many.

I found that motorcycle people are more friendly in general.
This is strictly my personal observation.

Motorcycle Wave {Biker Sign Of Respect & When To Not Do It} - BikeBandit
I rode a motorcycle summer 2017. Sold it mid June 2018 and bought an e-bike.
I forgot I was now on an e-bike so I kept waving friendly to motorcycle riders:D
I sold my 2018 Honda NC750X so I could pick up a 27hp 4x4 diesel tractor this spring. It was my ninth motorcycle over the last 25 years and being off two wheels was killing me.

I was already looking at e bikes but selling my last motorcycle made my e bike search accelerate. I now have a BBS02 fat tire e bike and while I miss a motorcycle, I’m thoroughly enjoying being back on a bicycle.

Honda just came out with a 125cc version of the CT90 trail bikes I grew up on though. It’s awfully tempting, just for nostalgia sake...
Sometimes miss bikes too. I fixed up and rode older Goldwings for quite a few years. The standard versions without all the fiberglass and plastic. A specialty bike... Sold several to collectors overseas. Countless bikes previous to that, classics and every day bikes, street and dirt. Loved them all.

Problem was I kept seeing accident reports and experienced several near misses myself. Enough where I was pretty much scared to ride any more for fear some #### wouldn't see me and turn left in front of me, again, only now I'm of the age where I'll be the first to admit my reflexes may not be fast enough to save my bacon, again! The fact I was run off the road while riding a big Valkyrie with my wife on the back didn't help anything either. Dirt was fun, but if something were to happen in some of the remote areas I ride in, that would leave me in a spot as well.

SOoooo, e-bikes for me, and loving it....
I sold my Honda 300 motorcycle last night and I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my Radrover next month.
I decided I want to slow down and explore the local paths and places where a motorcycle can’t go, and at a slower, more
human pace. I’m getting older and I find walking very far too slow and tiring, and I’m hoping the ebike will be just right.
I was thinking how riding a motorcycle is isolating and unsocial, speeding along encased in riding gear and a full face helmet.
I’m looking forward to being able to stop and talk with people if I like, and gliding along quietly enjoying the world.
There´ś so much more to see the more time you take to look.
Motorcycle riding is fun but I realised I am more of a pedal cyclist than a motorcyclist so I sold my little Versys X 300. Did not miss it during my two first years as an e-biker. This year however due to the pandemic I miss the possibility to go for longer rides into the countryside. I need to take my e-bike on commuter trains to get out of town and I don’t like the crowded trains with current Covid19 situation.